[[:Template:Bajhra Vogukhan]]

Bajhra Vogukhan

6th Rank; Rhakas; Title; Philosophy: Neutral
Health Points: 82
Attack Skill: XXXX Initiative: 28
Attacks: XXXX
Armor: 11
Physical Defense: 57 Magical Defense: 49 Divine Defense: 48 Jinhu Defense: 51
Move: 20 ft Luck Points: 18 Vision: Nightvision


Str: 72 (4) Sta: 82 (6) Agi: 81 (6) Per: 92 (8) Int: 73 (4) Wits: 72 (4) Will: 87 (7) Cha: 70 (4)


Acrobatics: 64 (focus)
Alertness: 53
Brawling: 64 (focus)
Convince: 74
Info. Gathering: 48
Open Locks: 48
Search: 58 (focus)
Skepticism: 54
Sleigh of Hand: 63
Stealth: 49
WeaponCraft (Rope Dart): 78
WeaponCraft (Bow): 68


Blade Resistance: +10 Damage Reduction against slashing weapons. This stacks with Armor Damage Reductions.
Bodyguard: +20 bonus to your Physical Defense when defending someone other than yourself within a 10' radius. Additionally gain one spell-like ability: Wall of Bone.
Acrobatic Fighter: Increase your Physical Defense score by +5 for every 2 successes you gain in your Acrobatics Check.
Improved Multiple Strike [Legendary]: First 3 Multiple Strike attacks penalties are reduced by 20 to a minimum of 0.
Archery: +5 Bonus Damage & +5 Attack Skill with a Bow.
Mastery of Chains/Whips: Can wrap your weapon around obstacles with a Simple Action with a normal Attack Check.

  • Can trap a creature with a normal Attack Check, and the target is allowed normal defenses. Success will immobilize them and the attacker does not have to hold onto the weapon. The entangled must make a Strength Check TS of 3 to escape.
  • Whips are a slashing weapon, +10 to your Attack Skill Modifier & +3 bonus damage to all attacks with flexible weapons every 3 Ranks.
  • Can trip a target within 2 sizes of you with a Simple Action
  • Can disarm a target with opposed Agility Checks. Targets who fail have their weapons thrown up to 5' per Strength Modifier. Can only be used against creatures within 1 Size Categories of you.
  • Can attempt to entangle opponents within 2 Size Categories of you with a Simple Action. If the target fails an opposed Agility Check, they gain the Entangled Condition.

Deft Walk: Can use movement to scale walls and cling to ceilings as though you were normally walking. This can be maintained 1 turn per 10 Willpower.
Iron Body: +5 to Stamina and Strength skills. Expert Brawler: Base damage is increased +1 and you cause 1.5 times of the normal Fatigue Damage. You suffer no Attack or Defense penalties for kneeling, sitting, or being prone.
Bloodlust: Any time you gain 3 or more Successes in a successful attack against an opponent, you gain combat bonuses depending on the relative rank of the foe on your next attack.
Attack Quickness: Can switch weapons with a Basic Action and gain +10 to Initiative.
Added Note: Bajhra has access to the ability Battle Rage as well, but it was not a character claimed ability, but an ability given to her from by Talarius Gamemaster is Episode 2.


Menacing, Poison Immunity, Technophobe(Added Note: Usually this would be a 25% chance of failure, but because Bajhra is from Garu-Zak, it's only a 10% chance of failure.)

Philosophy, Aspect and Motivation

Neutral (-4), Ambitious, Possession





  • Explorer's Pack
  • Daybreaker's Mask
  • 1 Thieves Kit
  • Rope Dart
  • Uzunkhol Sword
  • Bow (with 27 Hunting Arrows)
  • 3 Healing Potions
  • White Marble with the Elemental Bolt: Lightning spell contained in it


Magical and Technological Items




Bajhra enjoys showing off in combat. In practical combat, she aims to disarm and disable. When she's fighting impractically, she'll be as ruthless as she possibly can. She doesn't consider a fight over until the opponent is dead, not unconscious, but dead. She enjoys being the center of attention and being front and center in a battle. Stealth isn't her forte.


  • Team Chaos
  • Daybreakers
  • The Night Rats



  • Sons of Chelix



Bajhra is 5'9 and 185 lbs making her the tallest member of Team Chaos. She's not as bulky as some other Rhakas, probably due to her young age. She's built similarly to a gymnast or a wrestler. She has powder white skin, black hair that is shaved on the right side, and purple eyes that are rarely seen due to her hood. She keeps her rope dart tied around her waist, sword on her right hip, and a bow and quiver on her back when not in use. On her left hand, the claws on her middle three fingers are constantly shaved down to not interfere with all her stringed weapons. Her face is covered in simple gold ring piercings, two on the eyebrow, one lip, one nose, and her ears (though seldom seen) all have numerous piercings as well.



Bajhra is a rather outspoken individual, often expressing her desire for violence without any fear of repercussions or judgment from her other teammates. She expresses many of her emotions with violence, often angrily storming into the training room to take out aggression from being questioned. Even joy, she expresses with violence, gleefully fighting the Sons of Chelix in their warehouse base. When she isn't violent, she is a typical teenager. She hates getting dirty, or being brought to places where she doesn't want to go. Often seen rolling her eyes, slouching or crossing her arms. She sasses the adults of her party, often giving them nicknames.

She is very pessimistic, and seldom sees the good in people. She's untrusting of others and keeps everyone at a distance. However, she is almost arrogantly confident in herself. Bajhra will often say she's the best at something, even in the face of being proven wrong, such as when Elin and Sirith could tell that she was lying to them, she still stated herself to be a great liar.

She does not like talking about her past and will often shut down any questions about it. Yet, despite of this, she maintains many of her habits from childhood. She wakes up early to train or she'll often find herself praying to her pantheon (who she has convinced herself that they don't listen to her because of her brand). She's obsessive about her hood, and keeping it in place to cover her brand, despite the party knowing its there. She wants to forget about the brand entirely, but keeps it covered as to not draw attention to it or herself.

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