Alore!* And Greetings wanderer!
*A greeting, akin to “blessings”
Contents | |
Inhabitants | Bishop, Tanis, all your favorite heroes and villains, and other interesting folk. |
Species | All the species of the Omniverse, humanoid and monstrous alike. |
Organizations | The Tishra Qal, Blue Scarab Trading Company, and everything in between. |
Creatures | All the things that climb, crawl, fly, slither, swim, and usually bite. |
Geography | Kralis' towns, kingdoms, wildernesses, and more. |
History | From the dawn of the time to the present age. Including the calendar of Shiyan |
Deities | The deities of all the pantheons. |
Cosmology | The known and unknown planes and dimensions of existence, how they connect, and who inhabits them. |
Magic | Magic in the Omniverse, be it arcane, divine, jinhu powers, or dark magics |
Items | All the gems, jewelry, poisons, potions, weapons, armor, technology and more. Ranging from minor trinkets to ancient artifacts of untold power and renown. |
What you have before you, dear reader, is the guide to the worlds, lands and realms of the all that exists within what we sages and renown grand magisters call the Omniverse. A vast universe, indeed, a universe that revolves around the goings on within the World of Kralis and the lands of Ta Los!
Take heed while reading these pages, gloss not over the words and you will become more intimately familiar with the glories, byways, legends and dangers of the Omniverse than you could in a year of perilous travel. Be sure to pack this guide along side your dagger, your torches and your iron rations.
I am known as Rayche Blackstone, Defender of the Northern Realms, slayer of Kaurkrutoxu the destroyer of Worlds, and friend to Bishop Sandstone, Knight of Dardura. I have tread this world and hundreds more like it for the many, many years. I have traveled through out time and space, I have seen the rise and fall of nations, realms and kingdoms, seen the birth of stars, and the death of whole solvetrasi, I have even glimpsed the end of the known Omniverse. Yet, I am far from the oldest, wisest or mightiest mortal or being to ever exist.
The World of Kralis sits within the vast ocean of the known Omniverse and it is unique in its existence. Let me tell you of the dark blue oceans that separate Ta Los from Hurlan and Kalos. Listen to me as i tell you of the dangers of the Void and cold darkness of the Savage Corridor; hear my tales of the Great Forest of Storhet in my home lands within the Kingdom of Panthais.
Let me thrill you with the soft blue moonlight as it dances across the waves of the Sea of Ithangar and warn you of the dark, lost lands of Azar. Hear and heed my words of warning about ancient and powerful dark magic, lost and dangerous aradgah, and portals that with a single stride you can travel halfway across the known Omniverse. Beware the power of negative energy, the wild forces of living Chaos and the cold claws that reach out from the shadows to snatch your life away.
Hear tell of far away places where dragons and giants battle, where sky pirates raid by starlight and where powerful reikosjharna ships are glimpsed anchored high in the air amongst the clouds. Listen to the tales of ruins where only the brave and legend seekers go, where they have seen shape changing horrors, oozing things of blobous form and tentacles, and dark ruins where chaos and Old Ones dwell who hunger for the destruction of life.
Mind well my rantings and ravings here: the Omniverse and all that it holds is filled with danger much of it beyond the imagination of even wildmen.
As you travel beyond your door remember that heroes are needed as new, rising dooms plague all the corners of the known Omniverse; perils and strife that can tear asunder whole worlds and realms. Ancient evils and forces of the Old Ones gather in the dark reaches of the Celestial and whisper promises of power to weak minds and the power hunger.
This world and others like it are yours to discover, explore, reforge and defend, they are yours to bring back from the brink of destruction or to insure their ultimate demise. What legends will be sung of your heroics, of your journeys, of your adventures, of your deaths. What legend will you forge?
¡Ceiniag Eorli! ¡Phunon eft sitla hy! (Ancient Common: Welcome Friend! May your journeys be Legendary!)
Year of the Twilight Dawn, 3rd Pentek of Tavaz
1350 Southern Reckoning
This wiki covers the rich World of Kralis campaign setting for the Legends of Kralis from Talarius Gaming and Publishing.