[[:Template:Celestial Realms]]
Celestial Realms
What most people understand as The Celestial is often also called Cosmology, but the common lay person does not know the subtle differences. While cosmology deals with the wide subject of understanding the nature of the entirety of the structure, organization and composition of the observable Omniverse. The Celestial Realms deals with the unseen realities, planes of existence and other dimensions. Many of these are very much like the Prima Terra, where others are shadowy mirror images, others defy description.
Put all together these various planes, dimensions make up what is called the Multiverse and the focus of sages, cosmologists and RealmsWalkers as they travel to, map, measure and come to understand the very nature of existence.
Perhaps there is no other place as odd or hostile in the known multi-verses than the Celestial and Infernal realms, other than the Void. The Celestial and Infernal realms are not the same as new worlds, or alternate realities or other dimensions. The Celestial and Infernal realms or Planes, touch every known reality and dimension, including other "verses".
Within the realms of the Celestial and the Infernal the rules of mortal worlds maybe radically different which makes these realms more dangerous than even the depths of the Tav Aeduhn Realms or the far reaches of the Void.
Reaching these realms is more difficult than locating hidden shrines, lost Void-stations or even sunken cities. Yet, with the some knowledge, power and a spine they can be reached. Many of these portals are located in out of the way places or hidden locations.
These various locations within the Legends of Kralis cosmology adhere to the model of Realms and Nations. This cosmology allows for expanse and condensing of the various planes as the power of demons, angels, fiends and gods power rise and fall.
What makes up the totality of the Omniverse are: Prima Terra, Prima Astera and Celestial (Prima Celestia). The Prima Terra Plane, or simply the Terra, contains all the known worlds, alternate realities and other dimensions. It is the main focus of most campaigns and adventures and is home to thousands of species and beings. The Terra is the physical world of reality and is often referred to as the Inner Realms of existence.
A fourth realm Prima Etheras, called the Shadow Realm, exists as a pale reflection of the whole Omniverse, it acts like a cloak over what is real. It exists in between all the known worlds and the planes of the Celestial and the Infernal.
The Prima Astrea, The Mist, or simply the Astrea, are the Middle Realms of existence. This is the realm that exists between the Prima and the Celestial. Any travelers that wish to enter the Celestial must first cross through Astrea. Access to and from the Astrea is accomplished via planar conduits. Planar conduits are tunnels opened in the null space between the Astrea and the Prima Terra and the Celestial Realms. These conduits are opened any time that a creature or being attempts to enter or leave the Astrea. Generally, these conduits allow for quick access between destinations, however, some creatures that exist in this null space and are prone to attack those traveling via the conduits. The greatest known and most traveled is employing of the Sylfur Bruh. This is a brilliant, shimmering bridge of multiple colors that is said to span the distance between the Prima Terra and the Celestial, passing through the The Mist.
The Celestial-Infernal Realms, or Celestial, are considered the outer planes of existence and are the home to all the deities. It is similar in physical aspects of the Prima Terra, it has rivers, mountains, hills, forests, swamps, seas, weather and climates. The best description of the Celestial is akin to that of a never ending continent upon which all the heavenly hosts, forsaken gods, demons and fiends all via for control over.
The Celestial is divided into three separate Primas Rhiki. Each of the three realms: Syra Gaul, Arit-Tura and Neter-Kheret are similar to that of realms found in the Prima Terra. Each of these is made up of subaltern kingdoms or nations under the control of a god that resides in a specific area.
The three Primas Rhiki are associated with the three philosophical tenets: Good, Neutral-Chaos, and Evil. The sub-altern kingdoms are where the various gods of the Celestial reside and make their homes. Each of these lesser kingdoms fit together creating landscapes through out the whole of the Celestial Realms.
Separating each of the Primas Rhiki and the various “Kingdoms” of the Celestial are the Nexus-Realms. These are Lesser realms of existence in which lower powers, demons, elementals, etc., exist.
The Nexus Realms represent the borders between each of the Celestial Kingdoms. There are 14 known Nexus Realms, each with unique properties and environments. The Celestial itself is often engaged in great wars as evil factions continually attempt to overthrow and unbalance the fabric of reality, space and time. This is an on going struggle for balance of power. Good opposes evil and its cohorts, while neutral-chaos is bound to attempt to keep a balance, often switching sides in wars between good and evil, and at times splintering themselves to fight on both sides simultaneously.
Like kings in the Prima Terra each god commands a host of angels, demons, fiends or other fanatical troops. These holy and unholy beings are the forces of each god and can be created within days.
Finally, each god has up to 4 arch-angels and arch-demons that serve the god with loyalty. These beings are directly linked with their god, and are considered direct powers of the god: Mhaltilik
Moving from Celestial Realm to Realm
The Celestial is a place filled with many different realms and rhiki. Each of these realms are connected to each other in one or more fashions. The most common type of connections are border connections. These borders are generally a Nexus Realms at other places one plane connects directly to another plane and movement between them is as easy as walking from one room to another room.
Borders vary with each connection between Nexus Realms or Prime Realms. Many are represented by thick fog, or shroud of absolute darkness. In other cases, specifically with the good philosophy planes, one plane can give way to another plane easily and gradually.
Many times crossing through planes requires the use of spells that allow for travel between planes. These spells allow for travelers to open up magical portals to a specific realm or plane. These are dangerous as if they are not setup correctly what was supposed to be a one-way spell becomes an open door for things from the darker planes to gain access to the originating point of the spell, most often this is the Terra.
There are a number of magical items, called portal keys, that allow users to open up a one-way portal from one realm to another. These items are very rare and are often in the possession of very powerful beings.
Finally, magical portals are often used to travel the Celestial Realms. These types of portals or openings are permanent, stationary planar connections that have been or were setup by powerful spellcasters, demons, or even the deities. Most portals are used to connect one realm to another, very few allow a connection from one point to any other point. The exception to this, theoretically are the Gates of Bahlaru.