[[:Template:Chaos Elements]]
Chaos Elements
When casting magic, specifically Arcane Magic, there is the possibility that the magic used has been damaged or distorted in some way. These Elements of Chaos can cause spells to warp and alter their usages from targeting, to increased power, to horrific results and everything in between. It is often mistaken for Wild Magic or Arcana Albatic, which can be controlled by those trained to do so.
The following is list of known effects of this Chaos:
d100 | Chaos Effects | d100 | Chaos Effects |
1 | A 60' radius area of Anti-Magic (see Talarius Bestiary for information of Anti-Magic Area) is centered on you for 2d10 turns. | 51 | The area around you up to 30' radius explodes in a all consuming fire. Those within the area are granted an Agility check TS of 5. Those that fail take 10 points of damage per your Willpower Modifier. Those that succeed take only 5 points of Damage instead. |
2 | Your Spell book slams shut and is unopenably for 2d10+5 hours. | 52 | Your shadow becomes a Shadow Dragonet that attacks you. |
3 | You suffer your rank+30 in Fatigue Point loss. | 53 | Your spell inverts causing you to be paralyzed for 3d10 turns. |
4 | A 15' radius around you is instantly teleported 10' per your rank straight up and dropped to fall. | 54 | AS the spell is cast you are hit with electrical feed back that deals 8 points of damage per point of failed roll: at 96 8 damage, at 97 16 damage, at 98 24 damage, at 99 32 damage, at 100 48 damage. |
5 | You are turned to stone for d10 days. | 55 | You instead cast Rain of Pebbles in a 20' radius centered on you. This deals 30 points of damage to everything in the area. |
6 | At the end of your casting, an aggressive powerful earth elemental appears near you with intentions of harming you. | 56 | You are struck with a Polymorph spell which polymorphs you into a butterfly for 2d10 turns. |
7 | You are unable to move for d10 turns. | 57 | You are unable to cast spells for 3d10 turns. |
8 | You are instantly aged to elderly status. | 58 | Feedback loop is created, the total number success on your next spell cast is reduced by half. |
9 | Any being that can speak or make sounds within 15' radius of you becomes mute for d10 hours. | 59 | A random limb shrivels to and becomes unusable. If this is a leg your movement is reduced to 1/4 of normal. |
10 | An aura negative energy surrounds you draining you of life and vitality. This aura has a 15' radius and deals 4d10 in Health and Fatigue Damage. | 60 | You jump forward into time 1 minute and may act normally for 6 turns. |
11 | You swamp minds with a random creature within a 15' radius for 3d10 turns. Otherwise you spend this time in stupefied stance unable to act . | 61 | You become invisible are unable to move and are mute for 3d10 turns. |
12 | You begin to fall upwards for d10 turns, before falling back to where you started. | 62 | An unbreathable atmosphere with a 15' radius surrounds you for d10 turns. |
13 | Black tentacles sprout out of thin air wrapping around all things in in a 10' radius centered on you. Those in the area unable to move for 2d10 turns. | 63 | Caster's hands turned stone and are unusable for 3d10 turns. |
14 | A column erupts beneath the caster's feet thrusting them upwards 30'. | 64 | The area around you up to 30' radius explodes in a all consuming fire. Those within the area are granted an Agility check TS of 5. Those that fail take 10 points of damage per your Willpower Modifier. Those that succeed take only 5 points of Damage ins |
15 | The caster's flesh begins to melt off dealing 5d10 damage. When healed the skin does not return to normal, it remains wrinkled and melty looking forever. | 65 | All actions taken by the caster are slowed. Movement is reduced by half, all checks are made with a -5 success penalty. This lasts for 3d10+2 turns. |
16 | You become corrupted with negative energy. You are unable to heal damage dealt to your Health or your Fatigue. Until a remove curse at a TS of 8 can be cast on you. | 66 | The caster aged 10d10 years. |
17 | The caster becomes as thin and as fragile at paper for 3d10 turns. | 67 | For the next 3d10 days, the caster is vulnerable to fire. They suffer an additional 25 points of damage whenever they are dealt damage from any type of fire. |
18 | Caster polymorphs into a snail for 3d10 turns. | 68 | The caster dies, but is immediately reincarnated. |
19 | Until the caster is able to sleep for 8 hours, without being disturbed is unable to regain Fatigue. | 69 | A lightning storm suddenly erupts around the caster in a 25' radius. Every turn a random creature in the area is struck with lightning dealing 4d20 in electrical damage. This lasts for 3d10 turns. |
20 | Black choking smoke surrounds the caster up to 15' radius. This causes all in the area to be Staggered until they can leave the area. | 70 | The caster is encased in glass orb that is unbreakable.e for 3d10 turns. |
21 | All allies, including the caster, are flung 15' in a random direction. | 71 | A explosion centered on the caster causes them and all others within a 15' radius to be blinded and deafened for d10 turns. |
22 | The caster the is teleported to the Prima Etheras for d10 turns. | 72 | One of the caster's Attributes is permanently reduced by d10+2 points. |
23 | The caster's hands are burned by magical energies, taking 3d10 in damage. All Agility based skills and Spellcasting is done at half score until the caster can be healed. | 73 | The caster has been infected with radiation poisoning. They will always bleed from their nose as the magic has broken their body. They will always loose 1 point of health every hour unless it is remedied by some sort of magic or herb. This is a permanent effect. |
24 | While the caster possess powerful magical abilities, the use of spells leaves them weak and subject to frequent bouts of coughing blood. The casting of spells drains more Fatigue. All Fatigue costs of spells are increased by +3 per PR of the spell. This is a permanent effect. | 74 | After casting any spell the caster must make a Willpower check TS of 4. If this is failed they are Stunned for 3d10+10 turns. |
25 | All Spell Activation times are doubled. Until a remove curse at a TS of 8 can be cast on the caster. | 75 | After the spell is cast the caster must make a Willpower check at a TS of 6. If this is failed the caster falls unconscious and no amount of jostling or damage can wake them. This has a duration of 3d10+5 turns. |
26 | The caster feels the compulsion to obsessively repeat a specific action over and over. This may include excessive cleaning, ordering things in a particular way, repeatedly rubbing a specific coin. This obsessive-compulsion causes the caster to suffer -8 successes to all actions. This can only be cured with a remove curse at a TS of 6. | 76 | The caster is struck with vivid hallucinations about what is happening around them. This causes them to make an Intelligence check at a TS of 4 to shake these off. If they fail they suffer a -8 success to all their actions. This can only be cured with a remove curse at a TS of 10. |
27 | As a result of the chaos of magic. Anytime the caster takes any type of damage they must make a Willpower check at a TS of 5 or be considered Staggered for 2d10 turns. | 77 | The caster suffers from uncontrollable tremors and tics at random times. Any time that a caster attempts to cast a spell they must make a Charisma check at a TS of 5. Those that fail suffer -6 successes to all their checks. |
28 | The caster speaks only in gibberish which effects their ability to cast spells. Anytime they attempt to cast a spell they must make an Intelligent check at a TS of 5 in order to take control of this. If not successful the caster suffers -6 success to their attempts to cast spells. | 78 | Caster becomes immune to one element permanently. But takes double damage from all other elements. |
29 | Upon the casting of the spell you are instantly turned into slug for d10 turns. But they are completely immune to all damage during this time. | 79 | As the spell is cast you become deaf, mute and invisible for 3d10 turns. |
30 | The caster is hit with a slow spell which lasts for 3d10+5 turns. | 80 | After casting the spell the casters skin begins to change into green-ebony scales. This reduces the casters Charisma by 15 points. |
31 | As the spell is cast one of the caster's appendage, at random, is transformed into a scaly, reptilian appendage. This is a permanent effect and can only be reversed with a remove curse at a TS of 10. | 81 | The caster begins to exude a barely visible aura of darkness. This darkness causes all allies within a 15' radius to make a Willpower check at a TS of 5 or be Frightened of the caster each time that the caster uses Spellcraft to cast spells. This Frightened condition lasts for 2d10 turns. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast upon the caster at a TS of 8. |
32 | You are constantly engulfed in an aura of green fire. This fire reduces the amount of health that you can gain through cure wounds by half. | 82 | The caster gains 1 Insanity Point per success in the casting of the spell they just cast. |
33 | Critical failures are now 80 -00, instead of 96-00. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast on the caster at a TS of 8. | 83 | Minor undead creatures (skeletons, zombies) are attracted to the caster and will rise from their graves to come to them, in order to drag them into the depths of undeath. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast upon them at a TS of 6. |
34 | Each time that a spell is cast, unearthly demonic arms and hands attempt to drag the caster into the depths of Prax Dun. The caster is granted a Willpower check at a TS of 4 to avoid this. | 84 | All uses of Heroic Luck are doubled. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast upon them at a TS of 8. |
35 | As you cast the spell you are repeatedly teleported between realities. There is a 50% chance that you are in a different reality when the spell activates. | 85 | When the spell is cast there is a 50% that a Planar Rift opens around the caster up to a 15' Radius dragging everyone and everything into and deposting everything on a randomly chosen plane of existence within the Celestial Realms: Prima Terra, Prima Etheras, Prima Astrea, etc. All creatures |
36 | Instead of using Fatigue to cast spells you use Health instead. This a permanent effect until you can have remove curse cast on you at a TS of 7. | 86 | After the spell is cast an area up to 60' radius is hit with a chilling sleet storm. This causes everyone in the area to suffer -5 successes as the temperature drops significantly and the area becomes iced over. |
37 | As the spell is cast a 10' diameter hole opens beneath the caster and drops d10x100 feet straight down. The caster will fall if they fail at an Agility check at a TS of 6. | 87 | The spell is cast normally but it is delayed by d10 turns. |
38 | Just before the spell is cast the caster belches for a 15' cone of fire the deals the caster's Willpower Modifier multiplied by d10. Beings that are caught in this belch are allowed an Agility TS of 5 to dodge out of the way. Once the spell is cast the caster falls unconscious. | 88 | Anytime that a spell is cast the caster must make a Willpower check at a TS of 5. Those that fail gain the intoxicated condition for d10+5 minutes. |
39 | The caster sprouts a pair of tentacles from their sides. These tentacles are approximately the same length of their normal arms and grants them the ability to use them in non-combat means. They are able to hold and manipulate objects but do to their sliminess they are unable to handle weapons with any dexterity. | 89 | The caster becomes blind until a remove curse at a TS of 8 can be cast on them. |
40 | The caster grows scales all over their body. The color of the scales is randomly determined: Roll d6 on 1)blue, 2) black, 3) green, 4)red, 5) yellow, 6)brown. These scales will last for d10 weeks before they become unbearably itchy and they are compelled to scratch at them, which causes them to suffer -5 successes to all their rolls as they scratch them. This lasts for d10 turns. The scales will molt by the end of the week. | 90 | The casters skin turns red and becomes bumpy like that of demons and fiends. This reduces their Charisma by -10 points and causes all those that first see the caster to make a Willpower check vs Fear at TS7 or become scared of the caster for 3d10 turns. |
41 | The caster suffers from cramping and arthritis in all their joints which can only be alleviated by specific rare herbs. If they drink 1 serving of a concoction of these herbs they do not suffer from this, but they must drink it every 4 hours or suffer -10 successes to all Agility and Strength based Skills. This also reduces their movement by half. The required herbs cost 100 silver pieces per 8 oz serving. | 91 | Double effects: Caster suffers from two effects from this chart. Ignore this result if one of those two is this. |
42 | One of the casters hands, 50% chance of either (or multiple if they have more than 2 arms) becomes withered and useless. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast upon them at a TS of 6. | 92 | One being, randomly determined, near you dies instantly. PC's are granted a Willpower or Stamina check to avoid this instant death, and is instead dropped to 0 Health and 0 Fatigue. |
43 | As you cast the spell you are engulfed in burning flames for d10 turns. Taking 10 points of damage each turn. | 93 | The caster instantly gains a random Insanity (pg. 49 Game Master's Guide) |
44 | At the end of the spell 4 Earth Elementals rise from the ground to attack the caster in an attempt to drag them into the depths of the ground. | 94 | The energy of the magic to cast the spell has left its mark on you. Your hands shake with jolts, and small static sparks snap between them on occasion. You now are a conduit for electricity and suffer double damage from any electrical attack both natural or cast. |
45 | You are permanently injured and the resulting scars reduce your Charisma by 25 points. Roll on the Losing a Limb table (pg.211 Game Master's Guide) ignoring a roll of 01. Whatever you get that appendage is permanently damaged. No amount of magical healing can repair this injury. | 95 | The caster no longer feels pain and is unable to determine how badly they are injured. The GM from now on tracks your health and its effects. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast upon the caster at a TS of 8. |
46 | The power of Negative Energy surrounds the caster with skeletal like flying entities that tear and shred at them. They must make a Willpower check at a TS of 6 or suffer -5 successes to all their checks for the 3d10 days. This can only be cured with a remove curse at a TS of 6. | 96 | The caster summons a minor demon whose rank is equal to the rank of the caster. It is hostile to the caster and will attempt to drag them into the depths of Prax Dun via a crack that opens beneath them. The caster must make a Willpower check at a TS of 6 or be dragged into the depths of Prax Dun to be trapped for 3d10 weeks or until they can escape the Celestial Realm. |
47 | The caster splits into two beings, each has the same abilities, attributes and skills. The new caster is wholly evil and begins to take actions against the caster and all their allies for the next 3d10 turns. | 97 | The caster stands at the center of a circular wall of fire with a radius of 15 feet. Any creature in any of the spaces covered by this fire must make an Agility Check at a TS of 6 or take 3d10x10 fire and radiation damage. This wall of fire will randomly activate during stressful times. The caster can attempt to suppress this with a Willpower check at a TS of 5. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast upon them at a TS of 8. |
48 | At the casting of the spell, the caster drains the Heroic Luck from all allies within a 30' diameter. They are granted a Willpower check at a TS of 6 to avoid this affect. No Heroic Luck is allowed to re-roll any failures. | 98 | The caster is struck with a lightning strike taking 3d10x10 Fatigue Damage. This bolt of lightning then strikes out arcing between all beings within a 15' radius dealing d10x10 Fatigue damage. |
49 | The caster stands at the center of a hole that has ripped open in time and space. Any creature in any of the spaces covered by this "blackhole" must make an Agility Check at a TS of 6 or be sucked into the deep void where they will feel the effects of the Void unless they are able survive the effects in some manner. This black hole will randomly activate during stressful times. The caster can attempt to suppress this with a Willpower check at a TS of 5. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast upon them at a TS of 8. | 99 | The caster is struck with a permanent curse of anti-magic area with a 10' radius. This anti-magic area negates all magic and its effects. This is a permanent effect until a remove curse can be cast upon them at a TS of 8. |
50 | The caster is struck with the babbling of languages. The caster speaks backwards, both words are pronounced backwards and sentences are reversed. This causes that caster to not be understood, unless the spell understand languages is cast on the caster to translate their speech. The caster is unable to cast spells as this is a permanent effect until a remove curse is cast upon the cater at a TS of 6. | 100 | The caster begins the slow and painful process of becoming a yaqu. This process will take 1 month. The caster gains a Willpower check at the end of the month at TS of 6. If this is failed the caster is fully transformed into a Yaqu. |