[[:Template:Gheldhur River]]
Gheldhur River
The head waters of this river lie somewhere within the Myr Wood and makes its way west to the Sea of Ithangar. Shortly after leaving the forest the waters become incredibly deep (25’+) and are nearly 100 to 200 feet wide as it makes it way through the shallow valley where ColdIron sits. It has become a well known travel route allowing for quick movement from the town to the wider world. Running along side it is the Kingsway Road that is used by those that are unable to or unwilling travel the river.
The river is well known for its large fishing trade and has become the home to many varieties of monsters that inhabit such places in the world. It is home to giant pikes, merrows, giant crocodiles, and the occasional water dragon. It is also known to harbor river pirates that hide within various coves found scattered along the rivers edge.