[[:Template:Golden Road]]
Golden Road
The greatest of these roads is the Golden Road which begins its journey from Dardura Sheva, where the Shining Road ends. The Golden Road derives its name from the highly lucrative trade that moved from the Empire of Resha northward to Dardura Sheva and was the main route of the vast network of roads through the Southern Realms. The road itself is paved with various types of cut stones from the local region where the road passes through. From Dardura Sheva to the Wall of Sheva that road is a brilliant white, built from the granite from the Dul Garan, as the road passes into and through the Empire of Resh the cut stones are a dark, red cut from the mines of the Meminak Mountains. The road is well traveled by mercenary groups paid for by the various governments that use the road.