The “Dark Roof of the World” is a land of cold winds, harsh winters and short summers. It is dominated by thick walls of black glacier ice, and low rolling mountains. It is a wild land that once covered a greater portion of the northern hemisphere reaching as far south as the Dhunadin Sea in Ta Los, the Sea of Jungan in Hurlan and Illigath Mountains of Ka Los.
Life is a day to day struggle for all living things. What vegetation exists is composed of plants such as dwarf shrubs, graminoids, herbs, lichens and mosses, which all grow relatively close to the ground, forming the frozen tundra ground.
Trees cannot grow in the deep cold, but in its warmest parts, shrubs are common and can reach 6 ft in height; hedges, mosses and lichens can form thick layers. In the coldest parts, much of the ground is bare; non-vascular plants such as lichens and mosses predominate, along with a few scattered grasses and shrubs.
It seems that it is always snowing in this land, there is very little sun as it is blotted out from the dark clouds that mark this end of the world. A number of junde and isande people have managed to cultivate a migratory live following the caribou and elk that seem to be in great abundance through out the region.
As one travels further north, the top of the world is covered in a thick layer of black glacier ice. The color comes from the black algae that finds its way into the cracks and crevasses of the ice sheet. The ice once covered most of the Northern Realms as far south as the Vast and where the Isle of Myngaard forms the Bay of Cold with Kraz Nal Tyr. There is a darkness of chaos and evil that pervades Iztalik and threatens the known world. It has become home to numerous evil and vile creatures, some from other dimensions within the Omniverse.
Yshghamal (City of Chaos) - Hidden near the northern pole of the Kralis, hidden within the shifting black glaciers rises a set of four mountains that surround a valley of blue-gray ice where in sits the lost and ancient city of Yshghamal. Yshghamal is built from predominately white granite and is maze like in its construction. Very few have laid eyes on the ancient city, and those that have, did not return untouched by madness from the ancient murals and alien language of a species that has never been seen in person: Hulthogath.