

Rhus tend to be the center of all Solvetrasi and are perffect balls of hellish fires and plasma that warms the Solvetras and worlds. Rhus vary in color from blue to red giants and some brown dying Rhu.

Khirius’ Rhu is a gigantic yellow star, planetary speaking, and it is absolutely inhospitable to most mortal organic live. Most of the surface of the Rhu is hot enough to instantly vaporize even red steel, even at its coolest spots.

  • Diameter: Super-mega (873,590 Miles);
  • Gravity: SuperHeavy;
  • Distance: 0;
  • Atmosphere: Corrosive-Very Dense;
  • Population: None;
  • Temperature: Burning;
  • Orbital Period: 0;
  • Length of Day: 0
Khirius Rhu

Khirius’ Rhu is a gigantic, planetary speaking, and it is absolutely inhospitable to most mortal organic live. Most of the surface of the Rhu is hot enough to instantly vaporize even red steel, even at its coolest spots.

Yet despite the inhospitable, vaporizing temperatures, and harshness of the Rhu, it is still host to a handful species such as fire elementals, phulthars (plasma beings), and is known for its portals to the various planes of fire within the Celestial.

As the solar star of the solvetras Rhu should be avoid by all but the most powerful travelers those that can face the nuclear fires, only complete immunity to fire and heat granted to a traveler will allow them survive the star’s immense heat. Unless immune from the fires of the Rhu, creatures and items are instantly and utterly consumed only an alter reality or resurrection can bring them back.

The nuclear fires of the Rhu are not the only dangers of the star, travelers must also contend with the crushing super-heavy gravity as well as the fact that the surface of the star is similar to that of a vast ocean.

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