[[:Template:Silver Cod]]

Silver Cod

The Silver Cod is a freshwater fish that lives predominately in the Halin River in the Southern Realms that flows through the city of Dardura Sheva. It is one of the largest species of fresh water fish that is still considered an "animal" rather than a beast or monster, though those who have caught one of these gigantic fish would argue that they should be considered a monster. This fish can grow up to 8 or 9-feet in length and weigh up to 800 pounds. The species is known for its silver fins and underbelly, but its coloration ranges from brownish yellow to grey to greenish yellow with small black dots, body and fins. They faint silver verticals bars present on their sides. The species has an elongate body with a broad, flat head and small eyes. The lower jaw has 5 to 8 rows of teeth with no front canines.

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