Slavery and Bonded Servants
Through out the world and the Omniverse slavery is practiced by a great number of cultures and species. Most slavery or bonded servants are a legal indenture of servitude often based on legal traditions, as well as payment for various services wherein the slave or bonded servant was unable to make payment. Most tend to come from prisoners of war, illegal foreigners, captured raiders, criminals and some are sold into servitude by their parents if they are poor and cannot afford them.
The treatment of slaves and bonded servants depends highly on the owners view of them. In many cases slavery tends to be cruel and degrading towards the individual; though in others slaves are treated with respect, kindness and are seen as result of poor circumstances. Predominantly slavery tends to not be based on species.
It is a common practice and has a long history within the world and the Omniverse at large. Slaves and bonded servants tend to work everywhere private households, mines, farms, factories, warehouses. They may also work for the government on engineering projects.
In many cases owners are known to free their bonded servants or slaves, often in considerable numbers: some are freed outright, while others were allowed to buy their freedom. This concept tends to make them obedient, hard working and in many cases loyal to their owners. Formal release is often done through a magistrate and tend to give freed slaves and bonded servants full citizenship in their country or allowed to return to their home region with appropriate papers indicating their freedom.
Often, once freed they have been known to work in the same jobs as craftsmen, or traders. Some even rise to hold office and become wealthy, though often times the stigma of slavery or bonded servant is hard to overcome.
There are many species and cultures that magically dominate and charm others into slavery, often these become "mindless" thralls. This practice is seen as evil and is cause for many laws and groups to seek out and stop this cruelty.
Why not wipe them out
It is often asked why are Pariah Nations, Kingdoms or Realms not destroyed by the other goodly realms around them. Much like the question of why do the gods allow evil to flourish, the answer is neither easily obtained, and sages through out time have written whole libraries on both subjects. It all boils down to the fact that because the gods allow it to exist, and as mortals may attempt to destroy and remove evil wherever it may exist, its a futile task to dig out the roots, when the roots themselves are deep, and entwined into the fabric of the Omniverse.
All good folk can do is to work against these Nations and Organizations and reduce their affects on the world and save all those that they can.