As civilization has spread to the various corners and "dark" parts of the world, and while mortals have put the land they dominate under their plows, there are a many areas that refuse to be dominated by any mortal. Blessed or cursed as they are, these lands are living places that fight back the sprawl of farms, the raising of walls or the building of villages, towns or cities.
These are the WildLands, places that range from vast tracks of wild forests, high mountains, distant hills and stretching plains. They have for whatever reasons resisted the incursion of civilization on a mass scale. Legends hold, as they always do, that these areas are sacred to the gods and they dislike giving up what they see as theirs. Others would state that the lands themselves rebel against the onslaught of civilization. Whatever the case may be, whatever cities, towns, or villages that cut their way into these areas have found themselves besieged by nature itself and swallowed up by the area. These “wastelands” exist on the boundaries of the mortal world, walled cities, castles, and heavily guarded towns and villages are oases that are scattered like seeds among the WildLands where the land has been tamed and made fruitful.
While Ta Los is huge it is dominated by vast tracks of land known as the Wild Lands. These range from vast tracks of wild forests, high mountains, distant hills and stretching plains. Many times these areas of the world have been given specific names. These names reflect the both the physical aspects of the area as well as the regional myths of the areas.
The WildLands are home to thousands of fell creatures, dark minded races and those that wish nothing more than to destroy civilization. Many of these creatures are allied with the Dark Lord and his continuing attempt to control Ta Los, to destroy Kralis and to dominate the Omniverse.