[[:Template:First Age]]

First Age

The First Age is representative of the growth of the world, more specifically within the Southern Realms and leads up to the most current going ons, both within the Southern Realms, through out Ta Los and scant information about all of Kralis and the Omniverse.

1 SR (0 B.F.A.): Year of the Song

Dardura Sheva, the Great Sapphire City, finishes the Outer Crown Wall;

5 SR: Year of the Blue Sky

The Rhakas attacks against Baar Dysh comes to a stalemate as the Rhakas capture and hold hills and establish the nation of Bakrithaz.

Within the depths of the Vault in Dardura Sheva, a powerful spell and incantation takes place to hide a dark book rumored to be the torn remains of the Book of Ubag-Salthu.

25 SR: Year of Dark Rise

A squad of knights lead by a young Commander called Kal Phyriax descends upon a settlement in southern Myanothia; Believing that the village was unholy and filled with followers of Azahak; They utterly wipe out every inhabitant and raze the village to the ground; Upon further investigation they discover that the villagers were peaceful and were followers of Gishra; In an attempt to hide his horrible mistake Kal Phyriax orders the villagers buried and the site complete destroyed hiding the evidence of the horrific act;

28 SR: Year of the Rhu

Kal Phyriax and his squad are charged with murder and orders are given the Knights of Elal to have them arrested and brought to Solthania; The excommunicated Knight and his squad flee into the southern portion of the Ni-Ilk realm; There he carves out a realm to rule and names it after himself: Kal Phyriax; in an attempt to atone for his fall from grace, he establishes a new knighthood based upon freedom, tolerance, and noble ideas.

55 SR: Year of Broken Beacons

A group of adventurers exploring the black ice of Iztalik discover an ancient city buried within the ice; After many months they uncover the name of the place: Yshghamal and discover it was once inhabited by an ancient species from beyond the Omniverse called the Totien; most of the party is struck with insanity and disappear into the cold, darkness of the city

60 SR: Year of Red Sands

Rhakas, lead by Rhakas rebel Warlord Grumak Azhtak, rise in power in the Eastern Realms. After a failed coup and overthrow of Malkata Tevza Vogukhan, Grumak fled across the Sea of Grass to assault the Barony of Michan. The Barony is nearly destroyed. It is saved from ultimate destruction as a large army of Acries rises out of the desert of Nazrafu. They assist in pushing back the onslaught of Rhakas.

The Grumak establishes the kingdoms of Azthak

62 SR (1662 N.R): Year of the Mists

Isande traders establish the city of Kzarik, along the shores of the Bay of Sorrows between the kingdoms of Panthais and Nashatras, it soon becomes a haven for pirates of the Bay and other lawless individuals.

63 SR: Year of Cold

Chovah Clan Zuktho of the Ironcrown Citadel flee their mines and workings in the lands of Iztalik due to an invasion by horrific and deadly dimensional creatures.

70 SR: Year of Cold Steel

Warlord Hhurgaz Urok attempts to take Azthak by force; In defeat he and his supporters are driven in to the Sledurr Desert; They later establish Kal-Jurik

186 SR: Year of the Great Fire

A great fire in Dardura Sheva that begin in one of the Aradagh Guilds of the Southern District sweeps through the district and portions of the Western and Eastern Districts, Within 5 hours, despite magical aid, the bright green and blue flames consume 1,500 buildings in all three districts. It spares the Crown Front buildings and most of the Trade District.

250 SR: Year of the Death

To be Updated

632 SR: Year of the Red Moon

To be Updated

678 SR: Year of the Gilded Sun

Magistrate Harkin Dewel is assassinated by the local thieves and assassins guild after he sentenced Pash Khar to death for crimes against the city of Dardura Sheva.

860 SR: Year of the Black Moon

To be Updated

940 SR: Year of the Dark Kings

The Rage of Demons begin as several hundred demons erupt in the depths of Tav Aeduhn through many planar openings from Prax Dyn. The legions of evil make their way into the lands of Rinsha Adynshra and ravage the lands.

950 SR: Year of the Bleak Moon

The tenth year of the Rage of Demons ends. The Pit Fiend known as Kilithiax takes over the Cult of Chimera. The lands of Rinsha Adynshra are devastated, and darkened with death as mortal armies clash with the raging demons.

960 SR: Year of the Black Star

The Legion is established in Dardura Sheva. The Rage of Demons comes to an end as the last portal to Prax Dun is destroyed and the last remaining demons and fiends are hunted down or flee into the lands around Rinsha Adynshra.

1000 SR: Year of the Dark Moon

The ancient Fire Dragon Hularathakinzar slips in through the World Gate: Myron in Dardura Sheva. Before he is slain by the Knights of Dardura, he destroys most of the Northern and Eastern Districts.

1250 S.R./3025 N.R: Year of the Crystal Moon

The Tower of Arquino is located and the Savaruter Siguch Killkin is destroyed.

1750 S.R.: Year of the Blood Sun

The Prince of the Juntha Province, of the Empire of Rinsha Adynshra, claims the title of Urg Khyn over all the Provinces. This begins the first year of the War of the Provinces as the other Province Princes also claim the title of Urg Khyn.

1779 B.F.A.: Year of the Red Seas

The Tishra Qal, as an official organization is dissolved. Though many members continue to operate under the tenets and codes of the organization, some taking on new apprentices.

1841 S.R./3435 N.R: Year of the Wandering Harper

Birth of Chancellor Alria Goodstone the current Grand Chancellor of Alisanos.

1860 S.R./3460 N.R: Year of the Green Dragon

War erupts in the Rhakas nation of Bakrithaz as ruling bloodline between the aging Malakta of Baztha Clan and the younger Malakta of the Nazaru Clan came into question.

1876 S.R./2800 N.R: Year of the Crashing (Current Year)

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