[[:Template:Greca Nor&Urith Dal Mountains]]

Greca Nor & Urith Dal Mountains

The Greca Nor and Urith Dal Mountains extended from the Sea of Tarn north where they ended in a vast plains that would one day be surrounded by the Baligrog Mountains.

The mountains are not a single range. It is made up of a northern, central and southern ranges that are separated by deep valleys with wide floors. These deep valleys are bound on their sides by sheer cliffs, as though they were perfectly cut out from the range.

The central range, which makes up Urith Dal Mountains, is home to Mount Kalish which rises to 16,850 feet and is capped in snow most of the year. Northern section of the range falls quickly giving to the Hills of Baligrog and the mountains of Baligrog.

The southern portion, which are the Greca Nor Mountains, fall rapidly from an elevation of 10,000 to the Cliffs of Magnara that over look the Sea beyond. The cliffs drop some 1,500 feet into the waters below.

Each of the ranges are covered in great forests, covered in a variety of shrubs and herb plants which occupy the coves, stream valleys, and flood plains throughout the southern and central mountains.

The Kanus nation of Zak-Cha is predominately situated in the Urith Dal and view it as their homeland, which according to their legends was set aside for them by the god Quza Katac.

There is an abundance of wildlife within the mountains everything from cave bears, to red deers and the elusive cu sith and cuth argus. But while it is home to a natural abundance of wildlife, it is also home to a number of vile creatures that call the mountains home, including hazor, karnacks, kaznark and the occasional kazinars that come up from the depths of Tav Aeduhn.

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