[[:Template:Kingdom of Athigurian]]

Kingdom of Athigurian

The ancient kingdom of the “Titans” Athigurian is the largest known kingdom to have existed in all of Kralis. It was founded at the beginning of the Mortal Age (144,750 B.F.A.) as the “first born” rose to great power in the Western Realms and spread as far south as Empire of Rinsha Adynshra and as far east as the Ceitha Mountains covering over 10 million square miles.

It was home to many ancient keeps and citadels of the numerous clans of giastor-kin that dominated the region. Some sages believe that the kingdom was the size of present day Azar. It ruled with an iron fist and enslaved nearly every lesser mortal species that they came across.

Some time between 110,000 - 100,000 B.F.A. when the 4th moon of Kralis broke apart and crashed into the world creating the Sea of Ithangar and breaking part Azar, the kingdom was sundered leaving the kingdom divided and less than one-third of its original size. This cataclysmic event led the clans into civil war over who would dominate the new kingdom. It survived and by 90,000 B.F.A and fully recovered and was once more dominating the Western regions of Ta Los. As it sought to rule more territory it began to clash with the other dominate species in the world: dragons.

It would become involved in wars with these dragons that would last for nearly 80,000 years. These wars would devastate both the giastor and the dragons. The wars were also responsible for many of the unique environments that make up the modern day Western Realms.

In 10,849 BFA, the Kingdom of Athigurian would finally collapse under the losses it suffered during the dragon wars and a final the uprising of its slaves. Most of the giastor that once called the region home moved on and fled the area, though many have remained and their lower kin giants have made a home for themselves within the mountains and regions of the Western Realms.

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