Travel through out Ta Los, Kralis and the Omniverse is made easier with the use of ships of various designs and for various uses. Most ships are air, sea or void based and range from a simple canoe to colossal sized command ships moving through the Void between worlds, Solvetras and Arphemals.
Sea Ships
The first major vehicles that most beings will encounter are the sailing ships of the worlds oceans and seas. These ships range from small canoes to specialized submarines to the massive warships and galleys that are often used by both navies and pirates.
They tend to be constructed from hardened wood or even iron wood where it is available. Many times these vehicles are re-enforced with various modifications that are shared with air-based vehicles. These ships also tend to be the basis for a number of air-based ships, indeed many air-based ships are able to land in the open waters as well as dock on airship docks in larger cities. These vehicles tend to come in three types: runabouts. coastal, and seafarers.
Runabouts tend to be smaller ships that stay within in the confines of inland waterways (large rivers, lakes and safe harbors) they tend to be small barges, keelboats, canoes, and kayaks. They are often the more easily handled types of water vehicles and are not sea worthy beyond a few hundred feet off shore.
Coastal ships tend to stay within 4 to five miles of any shore, keeping an eye on the shore so that they do not drift into deeper waters where they are unable to race back to safety. These tend to be longships, skimmers, and galleys. They rarely have sufficient cargo space for long voyages, and are seldom built to weather the harsh and unpredictable forces of the deep oceans and seas.
Seafarers these are the mainstay of navies and pirates and tend to be able to travel the deep seas, moving to distant lands and islands. They are also the vehicles most often used in times of war and battle. They posses sufficient space for large cargo and the stability for the unpredictability of the open ocean.
Air Ships
Air ship are the evolutionary cousin to the modern sea vehicle. In many ways they are designed and built in the same ways. Most of these vehicles are at home on the sea as they are drifting in the air.
Air-based vehicles tend to be constructed with hardened wood, iron wood and steel. However, there are a number of them that are built from steel was well as iron. This increases their over all weight compared to that of most water vehicles, but also increases their armor absorption and their ability to stay in battles longer.
These vehicles are lifted into the air by a number of ways: airbags, powerful fan engines, magic and levitation devices. In most cases they use either steam engines, thaumic battery engines or dolakh core engines to power the air bags (filled with heated gases), the levitation devices, the fans or even supply continuous energy to the spells that hold these vehicles up.
While they are free from the unpredictability of the open ocean, they are not free from air pirates and giant flying monsters such dragons, giant eagles and others. Unlike water and land based vehicles, where you can jump off the side and have a chance of surviving, escaping from an air-based vehicle is more dangerous. While you could jump off the side and pray that you survive the fall, safe evacuations are usually done by magical means or escape pods.
Void Ships
Void vehicles are the ultimate achievement of designers and engineers. These vehicles allow beings and species to travel through the Void in relative safety from the effects of the void as well as the pirates, raiders, slavers and the creatures that call the void their home.
Void ships are one of the major defining traits within the Legends of Kralis and the Talarius Gaming system setting. They range from single-person explorers and transporters to massive interplanetary cruisers. Void based ships are powered by thaumic battery banks, dolakh crystal core engines or even magically controlled elements. All of these are used by the various species through out the Omniverse.
Like both water-, and air-based vehicles with engines, void engines tend to be larger and much more powerful. There are two types of engines used by Void vehicles: Uhndar Thrusters and Hadarro Drive. Uhndar Thrusters propel void ships at great speed over near distances, while Hadarro Drives allow void ships to rift-jump across vast distances. Each of these engines tend to vary in size with the size of the vehicle.
Void ships, like their lesser cousins, are often acquired by various means, many times illegally by raiders or pirates, though they are often purchased from builders (most of which are Ha'vatu and Ta' Jahu) at various void-ports and building yards on the different worlds.