[[:Template:Wyatt Ferris]]
Wyatt Ferris
25th Rank; Human Dejah; Ware Priest of Elal; Devoted Good
Health Points: 119
Attack Skill: 159/149/139 Initiative: 12
Attacks: Uzunkhol Sword (5);+5 Str Dmg; Energy Pistol (5); Energy Rifle (9)
Armor: Plate-Mail(24)
Physical Defense: 70 Magical Defense: 102
Divine Defense: 106 Jinhu Defense: 102
Move: 20' Luck Points: 12 Vision: Normal
Str: 78 (5) Sta: 79 (5) Agi: 70 (3) Per: 77 (5)
Int: 70 (3) Wits: 77 (5) Will: 70 (3) Cha: 100 (10)
Alertness 90, Convince 94, Climb 88, Divine Knowledge 125, Evade 88, Feint 90, Healing 108, Information Gathering 90, Intimidation 89, Languages (Common, Jauzah (Ha'vatu), Aelwyn) 89, Search 90, Skepticism 95, Stealth 88, Swimming 87, Survival 90, Track 88
Species Ability: Bodyguard (Gain +2 Successes to Physical Defense when defending another target; Gain the following spell-like abilities: Constant - Protection from Antithesis (Evil); Once per Day - Air Shield); Mortals Hope (+20 to any fear or horror checks and +10 to PD; 3x/Day Gain 2x Sta. Modifier as Temp HP)
Combat Focus Ability: Improved Multiple Strike; Shield Mastery
Chosen Abilities: Aura of Courage, Bane (Evil - +d10+15 points of bonus damage), Bull Headed, Divine Presence (Paragon), Energy Channel, Extra Action (Full), Fate Bender, Fickle Fate, Holy Services, Improved Multiple Strike (Paragon), Kismet (01,10,03), Luck, Lucky Devil, Spiritual Link, Supreme Effort
+15 vs. Fear Checks; Human Luck: +10 Heroic Luck; Adaptable Learner: +3 Bonus Skills; +5 to All Social Skills
Philosophy, Aspect and Motivation
Devoted Good; Unflinching Aspect; Mission Motivation
As an acolyte, Wyatt devoted a good portion of your his in service to the Church of Elal. He learned the customs, rites and offerings to bring worshipers into the light of the divine, for good or ill. He rose through the stages and choose to dedicate his life to channeling the power of the Elal.
He began his service by being sent forth by the church to locate foes of the church, heretics, rogue priests and be brought before the church for trial and punishment.
Associated Skill Bonuses: +10 to Acupuncture, Healing, Lore (Divine)
Associated Bonuses: +10 Fatigue Points;
Over his extensive career as a war priest of Elal, Wyatt has gathered a unique collection of magical and technological items. He is known to constantly have his magical uzunkhol sword, magical rings, and his elemental pistol and rifle on him nearly all the time.
Magical and Technological Items
Uzunkhol of Light: This holy sword deals +15 bonus damage to any non-good creature that it strikes. It glows a brilliant orange when in the presence of non-good beings, and ignores half the armor of absorption of an attacked target.
Ring of Shielding: Creates an invisible shield around the wearer as per the spell shield of the iron mountain
Amulet of the Hero: The amulet stores Heoric Luck. It currently has stored 15 additional heroic luck.
Energy Pistol: This pistol fires a blue pulse of positive energy that deals 5 base damage. It deals an additional 2d10+5 points of damage to any undead or planar creature.
Energy Rifle: This extraordinary rifle deals 9 points of base damage and delivers a white hot bolt of energy. The scope of the rifle allows the user to ignore all distance penalties up to maximum range.
As a war priest of Elal Wyatt tends to look for a political or peaceful resolution rather than a blunt force attack. However, when political maneuvering fails or is not appropriate, Wyatt is a strong and terrifying opponent has he blends the use of divine spells and physical attacks. On the battlefield he is squarely in charge. His adventures as a young priest have given him a strong grasp of tactics.
Bishop Sandstone (Knight of Dardura:30th rank); Ulus Kishtan (Priest of Elal:18th Rank); Rayche Blackstone (Spellcaster,40th Rank); Tishra Qal (Monastic Order of Monks of Lord Odiryn)
Over his life time service to Elal Wyatt has made a long list of enemies, both as individuals and several organizations. Over the years he has confronted the Necrothatic (a powerful group of necromancers), as well as fought Szodrin many times through out the known realms of the Celestial. He has also confronted Guntrix Darkbane, thought to be one of the avatars of the dark lord Azahak, Lord of Darkness and deity of evil.
Wyatt is a small war priest by most standards, standing only 5’6”, he is lithe and agile. His dark eyes betray a subtle hint of tragedy, but this is offset by his bright smile and platinum blonde hair.
Wyatt could easily be called a rebel in his youth. His father, seeing this rebel strain in his son, sent the boy to the Church of Elal where he soon became a strong minded individual in the service of Elal. During his early years he joined the adventuring group Silver Griffons where he developed his strong sense of loyalty to a cause. He is very much an idealist. He deals harshly with those that would threaten the stability and peacefulness that the Duchy of Harr has known for sometime. As a result of this, Wyatt’s leadership and his adherence to the strict principles that he has laid out for himself with guidance from Elal, he has become one of the Holy Protectors of the Duchy of Harr as appointed by Lord Azar Craigmount.