(pronounced: ah-SEER-iz)
The Acirean people are a native species of the far off Thoro Solvetras some forty-five (45) lojosars, over 90 trillion miles away from the Khirius Solvetras and the world of Kralis. As a species they lived in various territorial clans across their home-world: Cha-Urusu. A harsh planet of mostly varying desert climates, from blistering hot, sandy deserts through most of its core, to the freezing arctic snow deserts of the polar regions.
Though their culture is essentially tribal and paleolithic, they are an egalitarian social culture. Acireans place a premium on their young growing up to becoming exceptional hunters, warriors and powerful heilark or shi-nchi (shamanic-like priests or priestess).
In 16,055 B.F.A. their world was discovered by the Gruak, a savage and horrific serpentine humanoid-species, who plundered their world capturing whole tribes and clans to be sold to into slavery through out the Drekahn Augua region of the void. This practice has continued through the current Age, and has affected thousands of different species, including the humans of Kralis.
In 12,000 B.F.A. several slave Gruak ships are knocked of course while passing through the Khirius Solvetras Region and crashed in the western coast of Hurlan where they were captured and enslaved by the powerful Kish Empire for the next 2,000 years.
Acries are thick bodied species known for their four-arms, their lack of body hair and a speckled band of varying coloration running from the top of their heads down their necks and backs, called the sha’kat. This band is known to change color based upon their emotions, getting a deeper color when they are angry or afraid or becoming lighter if they are in a joyful or calm mood.
They are of an average height standing between 4 to 5-feet and weigh approximately 150 to 250 pounds.
Males are known for a complete lack of body hair, while females grow hair from a spot on the top of their head which is then braided into a thick, long and intricate design. Acries are able to adapt to nearly any locale, from the harsh desert planets, to the arctic cold of Iztalik, to the mines of the Kalion Asteriod fields near Bhuragask and the dangers of the Void.
Acireans are well known for the use of a concoction of strong smelling herbs which is left to dry into an ashy gray powder that protects them from the sun, most predators, and disease. This practice continues into adulthood, but as a paste-like makeup whose color changes from ashen gray to a deep orange to purple to a reddish tinge that covers their skin where the skin band does not exist or cover tattoos.
Acries are a mentally tough, resilient people. Even before they were enslaved, they developed the mental fortitude that has allowed them to survive in the harsh environments of their homeworld. Because of this mental fortitude they have developed even tempers, and strong wills. They are known for their eerie, unnerving calmness and wholly positive attitude.
As a species they believe that hardship and pain will help magnify their faith in what they call the Nahgi or “spirit of mind” and will assist them in overcoming obstacles and blocks in their lives.
Outsiders have often commented on the near lack of aggression that the Acries have or do not display. However, this lack of aggression as most species see it, does not necessarily mean that Acries do not possess the ability to become hostile, determined, or assertive. This misconception has often lead many tormentors and browbeaters either left unconscious on the ground or dead.
As a species Acries have mostly held onto their ancestral, tribal ways, often being called archaic, but this view glosses over the Acirean ability to easily adapt to the conditions around them including adapting themselves to live within other cultures.
The Chaniyu Kac or the “Years of Death” had a great effect on the Acirean people. Like slavery of all beings, it tore tribes apart, subjugated the women to households. In order to maintain their numbers Acireans were forced to breed, and the eggs from these unions were taken, sold and often times used as ways to control the species. The men were thrust into harsh conditions by the Kish Empire used for dangerous jobs, in the vanguards of their armies, and used as gladiators for entertainment.
In 10,775 B.F.A. with the help of Bhahuul of Khataz and a coalition army during a massive battle in the Julnar Plains (the modern Great Dale), thousands of Acries escape the whips and chains of their Kishan slave-masters these tribes band together forming the first great tribe Akilatatoni. This day becomes a holy day for the Acirean people called the Koh’Ta Val (Great Escape).
Society and Culture
The Acries refer to themselves as the “Children of the Lost,” in as much as the their own name means “Lost Children”, which some scholars believe is not their original name, but a name given to their species in remembrance of their ancient homeworld.
Acries are a long-lived species despite the harsh environments that they live within. Through the ages their ability to survive maladies and plagues was improved by the power of their shamans (shi’nchi) that enriched their lives through their connections with the nature spirits.
Family And Structure
Acireans do not have a common family structure. Males and females join together to form bondings (okichuz) which typically last their entire lives. These bondings are made between Acries of different tribes. Membership to a tribe is through the female’s side: you belong to your mate’s tribe. This helps in keeping the tribes allied by both blood and bonding.
While humanoid in shape and size Acries are amongst the few species that do not give live birth, rather females produces 1-2 soft shelled eggs once every 25-30 years and will take up to a full year to hatch. These eggs are often kept in a chu’lak (incubator) until they hatch and then cared for by a khes nihian (nursery mother) for the first several months. Once born the Acirean young are scooped up by the tribe elders and brought back to the tribe and each given to a childless okichiz. Acries raise their children as a tribe. Until the children are of an age where they can act independently, they are raised by each of the okichuz. At this age they are allowed to freely move between childless couples living with them for as long as they wish until they come of age when their bands begin to appear this is also known as watanka.
Acries expect their young to be hardy and vigorous and their training in this way of life, as it does for some species, begins at a very early age. For their first year of life Acireans are frequently bathed in a concoction of strong smelling herbs which was left to dry into a gray ashen covering that protects them from the sun, most predators, and disease. This practice continues into adulthood, but as paste-like makeup whose color changes from gray ashen to a deep orange to purple to a reddish tinge that covers their skin where the skin band does not exist or cover tattoos.
Once Acireans reach the age of watanka they begin learning the various tasks of the tribe. Each are trained in the ways of life for the Acireans. They allowed to play-hunt under the watchful eye of retired veteran warriors. They were taught the various ways of tracking, survival and hunting.
They are also taught the ways of the daily lives of the Acirean village. They are taught how to chop wood, gather wild vegetables, grow gardens and tend to various small herds of goats, sheep or even a number of oxen or wild cattle.
This training continues until the Acirean has reached the age of 18 when they were then considered of adult age. In Acirean society, both men and women were important to the community. Most of their village life is marked by a strong cooperation between men and woman, where men take on the heavier parts of a woman’s work, and women assisting in the lighter part of a man’s work.
The Acries are tribal and matriarchal. Each tribe is governed by a woman chief (Aenptahinee) and is advised by council of women, ranging from old to vulnerable age. Each tribe has a different name for this council but the majority of tribes refer to them as the Aka Wakaceti (Council of Elders) who are chosen based on their noble birth, virtues, bravery, generosity and wisdom.
The Aenptahinee and the Aka Wakaceti are the tribal law makers and decide on important tribal matters ranging from tribal camp movement to whether to make war or peace with neighbors.
Each tribe is made up of 40 to 60 individuals ranging from the Aenptahinee and the Aka Wakaceti members to the various bonded pairs of Okichuz and the children and younger adults.
Within each tribe there were a number of smaller “societies” known as Thiyoso. Each society is similar to that of a guild that are joined by the Acries to raise their social status. There were the Makuwa (warrior) thiyoso, the Wayechi (hunter) thiyoso, the Iklahat (gatherer) thiyoso, the Wicasa (priest/ess) thiyoso and the Yuawa (noble storyteller) thiyoso. Each society was limited to a total number of Acries that could be a part of it, making some societies more prestigious than others, but all add an Acries social status.
On Ta Los there are seven known tribal bands including the Anikoptoni (Wild Battles Clan), Anogloni (Keepers of the Land Clan), Khuapanoni (Blind Arrow Clan), Gihanguoni (Long Braid Clan), Minsahoni (Blue Clan), Nhanioni (Red Paint Clan), and the Sihanjoni (Yellow Eagle Clan).
Art is a very important part of the Acirean life. They tend to decorate much of their standard clothing with various designs, the occasional jewel and often weaving silver and gold thread into many of their quilts. Their art is mostly made from natural materials. Much of the art represents the Acireans culture, their belief’s, visions and dreams.
A great deal of their art tells and keeps in memory their slavery during the “Years of Death”.
Customs, Traditions and Beliefs
Like other species, Acireans have great number of customs, traditions and beliefs that make up the core of who they are as a species. Additionally, each tribe have their own unique customs, traditions, and beliefs.
When visiting another’s home Acireans remove their feet coverings, and when sitting tend to cross their legs ensuring that the bottom of their feet are not directly pointing at another.
Acireans do not understand or appreciate the concept of whispering in social gatherings or in non-threatening circumstances, they believe secrets harm the soul (Hasna).
Thilhanyapu: This is a rite of passage often taken on by warriors, hunters and priest/ess’ when they have achieved watanka. It is generally lead by the elders of the tribe, tends to be done in small groups of young Acireans. The process includes fasting for seven days and nights, done at a sacred site in the wild as chosen by the shi’nchi and the wicasa. During this time the young Acirean prays to their ancestral spirits calling upon them to give each a vision that will help them find their purpose in life, and how they may serve the tribe or the Acirean people. Often these dreams involve interacting with their spiritual guide (Ieykin) in a setting that involves various elements of nature, space and time.
Weh Ekte: Blood Law or Blood Vengeance is an ancient practice where revenge is sought against those that have committed a horrific crime, specifically murder or rape. It is a claim that is taken up by the victims’ family or partner and is based on the belief that the soul of the victim would be forced to wander the world forever, unable to go to the afterlife or if they still lived their essence significantly compromised unless harmony was restored. This blood law is a question of harmony, not necessarily of a vendetta.
There is no concept of marriage within the Acries. While there is a committed bonding, the Okichuz, this is not a marriage in the sense understood by other species. When a couple, which can be of the same sex though this is rare, decides to enter into relations with each other they may make this a lifelong commitment and enter into the Okichuz. The okichuz is nether a religious or civil event, generally no religious ceremony is involved and only a public recognition of the fact of the bonding occurred; in most cases couples simply start living with each other.
The ending of an Okichuz, while viewed as sad, is a private matter among the Acries involved and often ended with one of the partners simply gathering their things and leaving.
Holiday/Dates of Importance
As a resilient and strong willed people the Acireans have very few holidays. Though they recognize the importance of days that have special connotations to the species as a whole.
Koh’Ta Val Holy Month: Koh’Ta Val is observed by all Ta Losian and Kralian Acries in remembrance of their escape from slavery. It begins on the first day (Kezdet)of the fourth month (Tavaz) and lasts for 31 days. It is a time of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. Fasting occurs from dawn to dusk in which only they are allowed to consume fluids and specially made hard-tack food called Nunslu when the sun is at its highest.
Zahneca Yuhawa: Known as the Night of Healing, this occurs on the 10th night (generally on Hetepe) of the 10th month (Kerics), this dancing ceremony involves the tribe gathering to pray for healing, forgiveness of betrayals between individuals. This night dance occurs around a giant pyre that is meant to burn from the moment the sun sets to the moment the sunrises on the next morning. It is a physically grueling ordeal as participants dance and pray through out the night. In some cases participants partake of ceremonial body piercing.
The Acirean people are known for their unique coloration of their skin beyond their “emotion bands” or Ksuatra. They cover their arms, upper chest and head with a paste-like makeup of deep orange to purple or reddish tinge, most often to protect their skin from the sun, but to also highlight and intensify their ksuatra. They also enjoy tattooing with varying symbols of importance to the individual Acries.
Acireans tend to craft many of their own clothing that is unique to their form and is generally thought of as “archaic” as it entails the use of skins, hides and the occasional woven pieces.
Generally, they do not like constrictive tight clothing. Both men and women tend to wear a pair of tie-up trousers that narrow towards the ankles, a short-sleeved and wide over garment, though many times males will only wear the trousers and women have been known to wrap cloth around the mid-chest covering their breasts out of modesty. Most garments are colored to match the terrain from dusty to deep greens. Acireans wear high calf sandals or leather boots that are often highly decorated with etchings of their victories.
Originally the Acries were great farmers, hunters, and gatherers on their home world. During their enslavement much of this knowledge was lost and once freed they had to relearn how to care for themselves in a new world. Settling in the south-western portion of the Suduva Makatu desert, they soon acquainted themselves with the various migrations of sand buffalo and other monstrous creatures that could provide meat, and learned the seasons of the desert so that they could plant various fruits and root vegetables that the desert provided.
One of the more common and highly sought after items that the Acireans have develop is a root called Ptehicala, a type of dark bean that has become well known for its energizing properties (used in coffee or teas grants users +20 Fatigue Points for 2 hours).
Religion and Spirituality
Religion and spirituality is an integral part of all aspects of the Acirean life. Traditionally, Acireans recognize four powers presiding over the universe, and each power in turn is divided into four hierarchies. These beliefs center around Chakan Asi, their god and creator (though many scholars believe that this is actually the Acirean name for Elal, others speculate that it is actually the One).
They are a very spiritual group and believe that all things have a spirit that are a manifestation of Chakan Asi. Acries placed symbolic importance on many objects in the natural world. They believed the great eagles, the white eagle being very important, represent transformation, messengers from the spiritual world, fight for freedom and victory. The wild dog represented the elusive spirit of their ancestors, always barking alerts and being crafty. Snakes are deeply rooted as a significant spiritual animal believed to grant increased awareness, stealth and cunning.
Very important to all Acirean is the idea of cycles. This is represented by the circle and tends to represent Chakan Asi’s influence over the various elements of the universe (air, fire, water, earth, essence and spirit), the changing of the seasons death and re-birth.
The Gods
Acireans, unlike many species, belief in the sole power of Chakan Asi, the creator god. They tend to worship him solely, nearly exclusively to any other gods. However, many do give homage to many other deities, but believe they are all some aspect of Chakan Asi. They tend to venerate deities of nature, and have many different spirits or lesser deities of nature.
Death and Funerals
Death for Acireans is not something that is feared. It is an accepted concept tied to their cyclical believe of death and re-birth. Dying is not something they wish for, but they are not afraid of dying believing that a good death will grant them passage into the next life, a poor death may cause their spirit to wander the mortal world forever.
After Life
The Acries wholly believe in life after death either returning to the great cycle of life and death or ascending to the lands of the ancestors and to become immortal with control over parts of the Omniverse, even deciding to re-incarnate themselves in another time, dimension or place.
The Acries call the lands of their ancestors Mahpikatu and is thought to reside in the Arit-Tura Rhiki between the Beastlands and Urgaard Celestial Realms.
Iklhan (EE-klaw-N) is one of four language groups that does not originate on Ta Los or Kralis and is spoken predominately by the Acirean people. It is a soft spoken language that has a harsh because of its constants, though this harshness is a result of the sharp emphasis sounds on most of its hard digraph constants: ch, gh, kh, th, zh, chi, ‘nchi, ‘hta. Lexical variants exist from one tribe to another, but they are limited to a vary small number of words.
There does exist a long and detailed sign language that is very complex as it takes into measure the use of four hands. This sign language is nearly impossible for outsiders to be able to read or display, which makes the language a powerful tool in speaking to other Acireans when in the company of untrusted non-Acireans.