[[:Template:Mount Ekahtu]]
Mount Ekahtu
Mount Ekahtu is not a single, solitary peak in the middle of nowhere. It is the furthermost edge of the the southwestern range of the Tuurith Nyg Mountains. While considered a part of the mountain range it is physically separated from the range by steep canyon walls that form the Valley of the Axe and Seven Lakes. The Valley of the Axe is some twenty miles wide and is dominated by seven large and deep blue lakes. Steep canyon walls mark the edges between Ekahtu and the Tuurith Nyg Mountain range.
The mount is approximately 25 miles wide from north to south and 30 miles wide from west to east. It is approximately 10,000 feet in elevation and is missing its peak where a vast bowl now sits after the catastrophic eruption that occurred leaving it with sharp edges and sheer walls. The top is covered in thick clouds of mist that are generated by the warm waters of the Black Lake that has filled the bowl. The whole of the mount is green with thick forests and vast stretches of low green foliage. There are many small valleys, some with sheer granite cliffs, and craggy caves dot the mount.
The southern portion of the mount is dominated by the Aquantas Hills which surround the mount beginning on one side of the Valley of the Axe and circling around Ekahtu to the other side of the Valley. The hills rise from the shallow valley of the Gheldhur River near the edge of the Myr Forest and where the town of ColdIron has steadily grown.