[[:Template:Age of Dawning]]

Age of Dawning

The Age of Dawning was titled by the Great Sage Jal-el and is the great mythical creation of the Celestial Realms, the Omniverse, and the known worlds.

It is the most widely excepted version of creation amongst all the greater species though there is some slight differences within the exact belief systems of the various species of the Omniverse.

The Age of Dawning has been described as a dream state for many species and has been thought of as difficult to grasp and that is perhaps the reason why there is so little known about the origin of the known Omniverse and the Celestial Realms.

It is believed that this was the occurrence that brought the known Omniverse and Celestial Realms into existence. The Age of Dawning is comprised of three separate Times: Time of Creation, Time of War and Time of Fruition.

The following is a partial transcript of the Great Libram of Jal-el, Book 1 Verses 1-23. This was written by the sage as he explored the distant past via powerful magics and summonings of angels and demons during the Time of Contact somewhere between 30,000 and 25,000 B.F.A.

Time of Creation

In the beginning before there was time and history,; there was the Ancient Mists; a vapor filled with all that governs time, existence and space

And before light and darkness there was only the Great Chaos born from the Ancient Mists.

Before the heavens and the land came into existence, there was only the Great Chaos, unimaginably limitless and without definite shape or form.

In the beginning, the Great Chaos ruled over all the forms of non-existence out of time and space.

Out the darkness the Great Chaos summoned the first ones, the dark children, the Old Great Gods and he called them the Ohngwe and the BhetAmi (Children of Chaos)

The Great Chaos summoned 392 of these children from the depths of the darkness of Existence; And for countless eons death and chaos ruled the Existence

Then the Ancient Mists stirred and there was life, the first great living being: The One or Olorhun; The Holy Life Power awoken to consciousness and discovered itself; Olorhun had come into being, breathed and had life

And from the Ancient Mists came the One, the true god, the great god and the One being neither male nor female saw that the Great Chaos was without Form, Shape and Direction. Saw that Existence was filled with malice and cruelty; and the dark, cruel children of Chaos roamed the existence destroying and unmaking life

The One took up the Great Chaos and the First Struggle began

For Eons the First Struggle raged through out the darkness Dividing the Mist from itself.

Then the One with great Strength and Might struck Chaos like a hammer upon heated steel and thus was created the first stars. The dark children howled in pain and fury and retreated to the ancient shadows.

Furious for the creation of the stars and the pain of its creation; the Great Chaos struck a might blow against the One, the sparks from this creating the first Suns.

The Great Chaos was more enraged, angry that the One was giving form to the darkness, separating it into light and dark.

With furious rage the Great Chaos enshrouded the One, covering the One in pure darkness. The One, bold and beautiful, let the Great Chaos wrap itself around the One; the light dimmed and the great Old Ones (Ohngwe)and titans returned with praise and glory for the Great Chaos

And with great pride for its victory, the Great Chaos, was ill prepared when the One, calling upon great power, grasped the Great Chaos by its ends and began to pull and mold the Chaos. Giving it form and shape. The dark children howled in anger as their father was broken and remade

And thus the One, in defeating the Great Chaos, created the heavens and the worlds, creating all that existed in the Celestial Body.; and the Existence was transformed; The Great Weave is created and spread through all of Existence

And the Great Chaos, furious with the One spat curses at the One, promising to one day destroy all that the One created. The great Old Ones (Ohngwe)and titans fled; cursing the light vowing death to all the One created.

From the Great Chaos, the One created both the Omniverse and the Celestial, setting into motion the worlds and mutli-verses of the Omniverse and the first realm of the Celestial.

Seeing all that the One had done, and unsatisfied by the work, the One then brought into being the first gods

The One gave life to Elal and gave to him the Laws of Creation and set him into the First Seat of the Celestial.

From Elal, the One took a bit of his being and created Gishra;

And to Gishra he gave the Laws of Life and set her into the Second Seat of the Celestial.

And the One, seeing that all was good and right with the Celestial and the Omniverse bade Elal and Gishra to be fruitful in imagination and fill the Omniverse with life.

And the One, tired from the First Struggle faded into the Mist

And thus the Omniverse and the Celestial was created and Existence was tamed

Then the children of the One, Elal and Gishra, Mother and Father, began creating the first life; They separated the Omniverse and the Celestial setting each into their own planes of existence;

They create those that flew in the skies and swam in the great Seas.

They created those that walked upon the lands of the worlds.

Elal and Gishra begin the creation of additional Celestial Realms; Separating Good and Neutrality from Existence; Darkness and Evil are separated from the light of life

And in the darkness of the Mist, where Chaos had yet to be captured and formed, there came the Lord of Darkness, Azahak, the Destroyer, the Confuser, the Seducer, the Liar

And with great Malice and Hatred Azahak was summoned from the Great Chaos, and the Lord of Darkness began to corrupt the creations of the First Gods, warping them, confusing them, destroying them

Such was the power and evil of Azahak and the Great Chaos, that neither the holy power Elal nor Gishra alone could contain them; the great Old Ones (Ohngwe)and titans were birthed again and they beset upon all of life with great vengeance and hatred

And great was the suffering of the Celestial and the Omniverse.

The wails of pain and suffering pierced the depth of the Ancient Mists where the One had retreated

And upon hearing the wails of Creation, the One, arose again, filled with righteous anger;

The One emerged from the Mist and with one last, powerful Word, the One struck down what was the last of the Great Chaos and imprisoned it deep within the world known only as Kralis, and there the Great Chaos was finally imprisoned, bound to the mortal existence of the Omniverse for all time.

And Azahak, without the Great Chaos, was stopped by the powers of Elal and Gishra. The great Old Ones (Ohngwe)and titans once again retreated into the darkest parts of the Omniverse hidden in dark prisons of crystal and ice

And thus the Time of Creation had ended.

Time of War

The Great Libram of Jal-el Verses 50-69, Book II

And for eons Time strayed and the Celestial grew in breadth and depth; the Celestial was filled with life;

Deep within the recesses of the Celestial where the shadows of darkness gathered and grew; the Lord of Darkness plotted and waited commanding foul heathens; And in the depths of the darkness the Great Old Ones (Ohngwe)stirred and the Titans forged weapons of war;

And there came to the Celestial a Great War as the Hordes of the Lord of Darkness sprang from the dark places of the Celestial; and Great Old Ones (Ohngwe)rose from their icy prisons striking fear into the minds of life; and Titans marched against all of creation and the Omniverse grew dark

Howling with hatred the Horde Armies of Darkness flowed from ancient holes of Darkness and Chaos

And Elal and Gishra were bowed before the great onslaught;

With the holy power of light and goodness Elal and Gishra opposed the Hordes; Held back the Great Old Ones (Ohngwe)and fought the Titans; and their strength waned;

And from all the corners of the Celestial and the dark places of the Omniverse poured out Demons and Fiends,

Thus it came to pass that the holy strength of Elal and Gishra failed; surrounded by darkness, chaos, hatred and evil Elal and Gishra summoned forth their last breaths of life and thus came the Angels and Archangels;

And all the creatures of good and evil waged war one on the other

And the blood of immortals ran like great rivers flooding the Omniverse, marring the lands of the worlds, cursing to doom the worlds

And there came at great price the destruction of many worlds and fracturing the planes of existence as the war flowed like a turbulent raging river

For many eons the War raged, beings were created and destroyed in the blink of a eye, Many were the beings that were scattered through out the Omniverse, their homes destroyed and violated by the vileness that was the Lord of Darkness

And lo the great darkness had devoured the whole Omniverse and all the gods, and all the beings and all the worlds and there was only the Lord of Darkness and his hordes; the great Old Ones (Ohngwe)ruled the minds of creation with fear and Titans made slaves from all life

Elal and Gishra faded from power and were dimmed;

The darkness was fulfilled;

And there came from a great place whose light was powerful and pure and caused great fear within all the powers of Darkness and Chaos

And this great Star held 3 Sacred Seals of Balance

And there was heard through out the Omniverse, through the thick blackness, a single voice of purity

And Elal, the All-Father took up the Star and in his mighty hands prevailed upon the 3 Scared Seals of Balance and loosed them into the Omniverse

And a great voice spoke, saying with a loud voice,

"Worthy is Elal to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and all the blessings of the Omniverse"

And every creature which is of the heavens and of the worlds, and in the worlds and below the worlds heard this great voice and wept with joy as the 3 Sacred Seals were unleashed upon all in the Omniverse

And the First Seal was opened and heard through out the Omniverse was that of thunder and from the Darkness came a white beast, whose might wings and golden claws soared into the Chaos and the Hordes of Darkness, conquering over the Old Ones, and scattering the Titans among the worlds, uprooting the vileness that was the Darkness and Chaos

And lo, Elal opened the Second Seal and there came out of the Chaos and huge beast of gold, its great maw filled with the thousands of lost souls that had been destroyed by the Great Horde

And this great beast thrashed and tore at the host of darkness driving further back the great Hordes of Chaos, back into the dark holes from whence they came

And thus, the Third Seal was broken and opened and from the Darkness there came a great shaking of the Omniverse, and a loud voice spoke, saying

"This is the Key, the Beginning and the Ending, The First and Last, It is the Keeper of Darkness, the Balance of all that is good, evil, and chaotic"

And with that a great Seal separated the Omniverse, Prima Terras from the Omniverse, setting each into its own prison, setting each into its own place.

And thus the Great War ended and all the worlds of the Omniverse and all the planes of the Celestial were brought to balance and in balance they were kept.

Time of Fruition

The Great Libram of Jal-el Verses 1-23, Book III

Thus Elal and Gishra set forth and created the gods of the Celestial and set each into their seats in the light realms of the Celestial;

And lo there came a great shadow from the depths of darkness and it fell across Gishra;

And Gishra fell into a deep sleep and was filled with darkness; and there came from her the goddess' of chaos and wild fervor; and Azahak was sated with pride at the rise of his children;

Thus Azahak set his children in their seats in the dark realms of the Celestial;

And the Omniverse became still and lo Elal and Gishra together created the first ones, the Lhatijo, and gave unto them the ancient laws, the first laws of life and the laws of creation and gave to them the secrets and seeds of all life and bade to them to go forth into the Omniverse and fulfill the Ones decree

For eons the Lhatijo traveled the whole breadth and width of the Omniverse and gave form to all the first species

In the time that after the Time of War there came to the Celestial and the Omniverse and among all the planes and realms and worlds a quieting of all life

Thus arose Elal and Gishra and there came a great wind that drove away the vapors of death and the shadows of darkness rolled back into the furtherest reaches of the Celestial and the Omniverse

And creation grew back into the worlds, great floods of life spread across the breadth of the Omniverse and through the Celestial Realms;

There came a great time of generations as all the species of the Omniverse were fruitful and multiplied;

And all the worlds and all the planes of existence grew with the voices of all thinking beings, tiny and huge, their voices rose as one, and were many.

Each species took themselves up, away from those that were not like themselves and set upon the different worlds and planes, many cultures, many origins and many ways of life

And thus all the worlds and all planes of existence were filled with great life

The Time Line

13,000,000,001 B.F.A.

The Great Chaos appears from the Ancient Mists of Time

11,999,070,058 B.F.A.

The Great Chaos summons forth and creates the Ohngwe (Great Old Ones) and the BhetAmi (Children of Chaos)

11,970,125,186 B.F.A.

The One or Olorhun; The Holy Power of Life awakens in Mists of Time and comes into being

11,890,598,050 B.F.A.

The One battles with Chaos to bring peace and order to Existence; The Great Weave of Energy spreads through Existence

11,875,069,993 B.F.A.

The One creates the Omniverse and the first Celestial Realms from the Great Chaos

11,800,486,199 B.F.A.

Elal and Gishra, the First Gods are created by the One

11,785,650,125 B.F.A.

Elal forges the Celestial Realms; The One retreats into the Mists of Time

11,760,405,235 B.F.A.

The Great Chaos summons Azahak the Lord of Darkness into the Omniverse; Azahak seizes the upon the Celestial Realms and forges the Infernal realms of the Celestial; Gishra forges the Neutral Realms

11,735,965,000 B.F.A.

Azahak and a legion of Ohngwe (Great Old Ones), BhetAmi (Children of Chaos) and Titans begin attacking the Celestial Realms; The Legion destroys most life through out the Celestial Realms

11,705,965,000 B.F.A.

The One returns to the Omniverse at the beckoning of the First Gods to battle Great Chaos again; Azahak and his armies of darkness are defeated by Elal and Gishra; Hundreds of The Ohngwe and the BhetAmi are imprisoned in other dimensions outside of the Omniverse sealed away by the power of the One; but not before they spawned the 3981 children known as the Hem-Bahram. Others seek refuge in the darkest voids of the Omniverse

11,684,295,612 B.F.A.

The Great War of Creation begins

8,235,675,001 B.F.A.

The Great War of Creation ends

8,035,001,796 B.F.A.

The Omniverse, its hundreds of thousands of arphemhals, the ten billion solvetras and the hundred billion planets are formed by the First Gods

6,789,356,000 B.F.A.

The First Gods: Elal, Gishra and Azahak create the New Gods; 12 Children were created; The Khirius Arphemal comes into existence

4,856,995,651 B.F.A.

The world of Kralis is brought into existence and becomes the prison for the Great Chaos.

775,000,001 B.F.A.

The Lhatijo, the first species arise in the center of the Omniverse on a planet referred to as Ajan;

605,000,001 B.F.A.

The Lhatijo are the architects of peace through out the Omniverse; They construct a vast galactic network of communication and trade routes;

Life and great civilizations in other arphemhals and solvetras rise in power;

515,265,968 B.F.A.

Along with other species of the Omniverse the Lhatijo construct powerful devices that begins to bridge the hundreds of thousands of species in the Omniverse with that of the Celestial Realms to create a singular powerful coalition of thought; it is called the Khajaluhm or the Great Connection;The Lhatijo build great gates of transportation allowing them to get from on place in the Omniverse to another in a matter of moments.

514,075,368 B.F.A.

Dark powers begin to twist the Khajaluhm turning the power of thoughts against the Omniverse; Within days all but the most powerful minds and wills of species survive the destruction of the Khajaluhm as it disintegrates unleashing a powerful wave of energy that passes over the Omniverse reducing most life into nothingness;

512,265,200 B.F.A.

Those beings and species that were able to survive the Great Death; ascend to other planes of existence, the Celestial Realms are re-populated by the New Gods.

99,500,200 to 15,850,000 B.F.A.

Culthians rise to power in the Aquatho Solvetras and become the second most powerful species in the Omniverse after the The First (the Lhatijo); Their empire conquers much of the inner arphemhals near the core of the Omniverse; They enslave most of the Omniverse;

4,630,500 B.F.A.

The Culthians die out as their species is infected with an uncontrollable plague incurable by their aradgah (AH-rad_Gah) (technology) many feel that the gods were responsible for their demise;

4,600,500 - 3,250,000 B.F.A.

The Usaru civilization in the G’thal Solvetras rise in power; Blessed by the First Gods and they begin to multiply across many solvetras;

3,050,000 - 2,797,005 B.F.A.

The Usaru civilization comes in conflict with a species known only as the Gal’thar in the Jhalthu Solvetras, a sentient metal based species; Great wars are often through out the G’thal and Jhalthu Solvetras; Billions of lives are lost in massive magical and technological explosions; The Usaru civilization sends out what is referred to as the Great Ark containing all their history and magically suspended life forms; The World of Kralis is "born"

A sentient form of clock-work species arise in the distant arphemhal known as Zygath; They quickly spread through region enslaving other species and destroying worlds as they plunder for resources; Scholars will name the place Zehro-Zeph and name the species the Dözü. Many wars will spark between the Dözü and all other species through out the Omniverse as they attempt to devour worlds. They are eventually put to "sleep" through a combination of magic and technology.

2,700,125 B.F.A.

Both the G’thal and Jhalthu solvetras are destroyed by an unknown source of energy that creates a massive black void near the center of the Omniverse core; this power destroys ten thousand civilizations;

2,600,500 - 1,950,000 B.F.A.

The Celestial Realms erupt in the Great Second War of the Gods; Azahak, Elal and Gishra wage war against each other; This War causes great death and destruction through out the Celestial Realm and through hundreds of millions of arphemhals;

1,850,000 B.F.A.

The Great Ark is destroyed by the Ghaj Comet; its contents are scattered through out the inner core of the Omniverse;

1,850,000 - 975,000 B.F.A.

The Vhem Solvetras sees the rise of the Ghurtan species;

900,000 - 800,000 B.F.A.

Elal manifests on the Ghurtan world of Ok’soth; He gives to them the secrets of life; The Ghurtan evolve into two species: the Nijo and the Totien; The two species come into conflict over opposing beliefs; After an unsuccessful attack of the Totiens on the Nijo, the Totien flee into the Void using their advanced aradgah (technology) to cross the Omniverse to inhabit a dark solvetras called Quijan;

The Nijo having reached a greater level of aradgah begin to spread throughout the Omniverse; having discovered the ancient maps of the Lhatijo, the Galactic Gates (renamed the Gates of Bahlaru) and discovering theses ancient beings and their deific commandments; they take up the “seeding” of life as per the ancients direction to;

Nijo create several powerful objects that help them control the Void, energies and other elements of the Omniverse they are named the Bukahar; before the destruction of the Nijo they are stolen and lost presumably scattered across the Omniverse; only to find their way to the world of Kralis.

750,000 - 650,000 B.F.A.

The Nijo species begin to evolve into a new form that is called the Ascended Ones by means of their spiritual wholeness with Elal and the New Gods; Some Nijo remain in mortal form and become the ancestors of the Atufolk and Elorden.

Seeking revenge against the Nijo, the Totien develop a powerful disease under the direction of Thultak, thought to be one of the manifestations of Azahak; This disease spreads quickly through the Nijo; Hundreds of Millions of Nijo that had not ascended were disintegrated within hours of contracting the disease; many others outran the disease and destruction.

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