[[:Template:Age of Mortals]]
Age of Mortals
All dates are Southern Realm Reckoning - S.R. Dates before the First Age are noted as B.F.A. - Before First Age. Following the Age of Dawning there came The Age of Mortals; a time when the creations and seedings of the Omniverse come to fruition and begin to inhabit the known Omniverse. The Age of Mortals deals with a great deal of pre-history of hundreds of civilizations, all dates for the Age of Mortals deals with the happenings of civilizations in and around Ta Los exclusively, though other important time lines have been included to represent the best portions of the history of Ta Los and its current inhabitants.
It is estimated by sages, powerful spellcasters, divine priests and many others that the Omniverse, is approximately 12 billion years in age. Much of the history of time is unknown to those that study it. While mortals can only estimate the beginning of known existence, it is believed that Time or the Time Stream is infinite, it has always been and will exist beyond the destruction of the Omniverse.
The Age of Dawning, which is believed to have taken some 3 billion years (approximately 11,684,295,612 to 8,235,675,001 B.F.A.), that the various millions of different species began to exert some influence on the Omniverse around them as well as the great powers that would become called gods and deities. It was during that time that the various sources of magical energy, divine power and jinhu (kai) were created.
On Ta Los between 100,000 and 50,000 B.F.A., the northern parts of modern day Southern Realms were vast grass and woodland with an abundance of rainfall, rivers, lakes, fish and other aquatic life. Anthropologists speculate that from the Sea of Magnara coast, the ancient human ancestors the Byris migrated into the Asthia, or the lands around modern day Empire of Rasha, Dardura Sheva and into Ahamkara. Many other clans migrate north and west settling in the regions of modern day Western and Norhtern Realms.
These communities raised sheep and goats, as beings did along the Magnara Coast. And communities of people fished in the lakes and rivers of the region, using intricately made bone harpoons and fishing hooks, many using nets with weights and other tools for harvesting aquatic creatures.
Living a settled life, many species began using pottery and growing food, using stone and wooden tools. To the east, along the upper Sea of Magnara, including what was to become current Sadhaka, people by 75,010 B.F.A. were growing sorghum and millet and wheat. And by 38,000 B.F.A., people in the middle of the region were raising cattle.
Beginning near 52,500 B.F.A. the climate of the central Southern Realms began to dry, perhaps in part because of overgrazing — wetness needing vegetation as well as vegetation needing water or some other great catastrophe. The area started to change from green grass and thick woodland to rugged lands, with sparse forests, and thin grasslands.
Anthropologists speculate that some of the species fled the drying to the northern into the modern day Western Realms, taking with them their cultivation of wheat, barley, flax, various vegetables and their goats and sheep. And perhaps some people in the western Southern Realms retreated north and westward to wetter, cooler lands of modern day Haaran Empire and the Northern Realms, taking with them their pigs, sheep, goats, cattle and knowledge of farming.
In the highlands, herding and farming appeared, people there were growing a cereal crop called tefak and starchy stalks called quinset. Remaining in the central regions were sparse populations of dark skinned species of Humans, Fhen Khanur, and also a people called Byris, the Byris occupying territory near the Sea of Magnara.
Meanwhile, in the lands south of the dry regions of the Southern Realms many species had begun small-scale farming and raising cattle. Those living in the continent’s equatorial forests continued to rely almost exclusively on their hunting and gathering, which provided them with all they needed. It would be want and deprivation elsewhere that would mother new ways of doing things, and these people saw no reason to hack clearings to grow food that was already sufficient for their numbers.
The Age Mortals lasts for 242,000 years and shows the movement of the various species that would call the world of Kralis, and specifically the lands of Ta Los home. It ends with the destruction when pf the Convergence of Planes occurs.
250,000 B.F.A.
The Great Serpents: Shu-mhazhal the Gray and his mate Jhuzzuzhal the White emerge from the Mists of Time; This is the first occurrence of this phenomenon for nearly 12 billion years; They inhabit the smallest of Kralis’ 4 moons: Ultal
235,500 B.F.A.
Many ascended Nijo return to the physical Omniverse and bring a great growth of life through out the Omniverse;
225,000 B.F.A.
The Great Black Ice of Iztalik begins to recede as the world continues to warm
200,000 B.F.A. The first Dragons, Children of Shu-mhazul and Jhuzzuzhal, begin appear through out Kralis; They are born from the earth, air, water and fire;
150,000 B.F.A.
Lorkach rise in power to dominate much of the dimension known as the Qara Scuru; they begin to reach out beyond this dimension with the great mind in search of other species to enslave;
148,369 B.F.A.
Great beings know as the Az-kabin live and dwell in the south-eastern region of Ta Los in what is know as the Eastern Realms by modern sages.
145,568 B.F.A.
Giastor Kin first appear in the north in the present day Western Realms, they dominate the region called the Thulhar Basin (present day regions of Tallak, Lands of Pal Hurr, and the Haaran Empire)
144,750 B.F.A.
Giastor Kin press further south (encompassing modern day Garandor, Baar Dysh and the Upandi Mountain regions where the Dhunadin Sea will come into existence) and create the Kingdom of Athigurian; which stretches from present day lands of Tallak to the southern Fythalu Mountains (present day Desaryn Mountains of Baar Dysh) and the upper reaches of the Talishul Basin region (present day Dardura Sheva and the upper region of the Empire of Rinsha Adynshra)
144,750 B.F.A. Emergence of the Ta'Jahu
On Emirual the ancestors of the Ta'Jahu known as Aivos'Nal emerge; These ancient people will, as the Nijo had, evolve into a powerful, and advanced species.
123,750 B.F.A.
Lorkachs begin opening dimensional portals to reach young civilizations and emerging species to enslave them;
123,000 B.F.A.
Shu-mhazul betrays Jhuzzuzhal in an attempt to gain immortality; The two great serpents battle for many years; near death under the onslaught of Shu-mhazul, Jhuzzuzhal pleas to Elal to spare her; Elal agrees and sets the dragon-queen apart in the Celestial in the heart of Bathimus Prime in Huasur she creates the realm of Daslara for all good Dragon Kind; her blood gives birth to the great Spirit Dragons; In anger Shu-mhazul calls upon Azahak to grant him revenge and the power to destroy Jhuzzuzhal; Azahak agrees and sets the powerful dragon in the pits of Prax Dyn enslaving the dragon-king; Azahak pulls his scales off and creates the Essence Dragons
120,750 B.F.A. Emergence of Chovah Ancestors
Khazavez, the ancestors of modern Chovah, emerge in the depths of Kralis;
110,000 - 100,000 B.F.A. The First Great Cataclysm
A rogue asteroid strikes 4th moon of Kralis causing it to create the Rings of Kralis, while a larger pieces crash into Kralis, thousands strike present day Hurlan creating the “Ten Thousand Seas” several hundred crash between Hurlan and Kalos causing the waters to be divided, creating the shallow golden Vaheem Sea, the Sea of Jagan and the Outerland archipelago; the largest piece crashes into Ta Los creating the Sea of Ithangar and causing the land of Azar to become separated from Ta Los; it swallows the northern portion of the Kingdom of Athigurian killing tens of thousands of Giastori and their slaves.
Shu-mhazhal the Gray and Jhuzzuzhal the White, flee the exploding moon of Ultal and take dominion over the great mountain range of Khal-Dhanar
100,000 B.F.A. Emergence of Humans
The first human ancestors the Byris emerge in present day Southern Realms, in the fertile Talishul Basin region of present day Empire of Rinsha Adynshra, Ahamkara and along the coast of present day Sea of Magnara
Hundreds of thousands of Byris humans are forced into slavery by the Giastori of Athigurian.
Many clans of Byris travel northward to present day Northern Realms, they travel as hunter-gathers following the various large herds of elk and deer.
Isande people, who have lived for eons on the glacial lands of the Iztalik, emerge from the far north and begin to inhabit the Thogshu Mountains (present day Ceitha Mountains).
99,000 B.F.A. The rise of Chovah clans
The ancient line of Khazavez, the ancestors of modern Chovah alters and two distinct sub-cultures of Chovah emerge: the Mazadhuk and the Mekronus; The Mekronus emerge from the depths of Kralis preferring the open world over the darkness of Tav Aeduhn
99,750 B.F.A.
The first Aelwyn known as Aethynar emerge on the world of Arishian in different dimension known as Gaidunia;
99,000 B.F.A.
The secirari species emerges in the Tu’ Aruhm Solvetras on their homeworld of Ka Taluuk
98,750 B.F.A.
The first Ba-Liyan ancestors emerge in the Qara Scuru; They soon make connection with the power called speghiz’iech (unshaped ancient form of present day jinhu) Giastor Clans expand the Kingdom of Athigurian dominating the entire lands of present day Empire of Rinsha Adynshra
98,620 B.F.A.
Bhahuul emerge in the southern part of the Talishul Basin in the foot hills of the Khul Dal Mountains (present day Meminak Mountains)
98,500 B.F.A. The Mazadhuk Chovah, become the most dominate non-giastor species in the north, in a region known as Mekharus (present day Myngaard)
98,000 B.F.A. The Jakara species inhabit the 8th moon, Riihthias of the giant planet Mhul Taht in a distant arphemhal known as the Giant’s Belt (an arphemhal 300 thousand lojosars from the Murcarsius arphemhal)
The dark Chovah: Mazadhuk; begin delving deeply into the lands beneath Mekharus;
97,888 B.F.A. Giastori attempt to enslave the Bhahuul ancestors; Thousands of clans flee into the Khul Dal Mountains (modern day Meminak Mountain Range) ;
97,450 B.F.A. Lorkach begin to enslave the Ba-Liyan ancestors; Many are taken while others flee across the Qara Scuru (The Dark Dimension) hiding in underground groves
97,000 B.F.A. The ancestors of modern Junde, the Jiluchiak, emerge as the dominate human species in Hurlan;
The lands of Iztalik are further revealed as the Great Black Ice of Iztalik retreats further
Arishian experiences a cosmic wave of dark magic summoned by Lorkach that causes the Aethynar to mutate into the two Aelwyn species of Selathan (Shire-Kin) and Ufgyds (Briar-kin).
96,000 B.F.A. The Changing
The Aivos'Nal learn of the great weave of energy that they call Sultra Nal Raetha; The Aivos'Nal during a mass ritual to increase their power; instead cause a great magical cataclysm that forever changes the Aivos'Nal into what the Ta'Jahu form looks like in modern times.
95, 500 B.F.A. On Arishian two additional Aelwyn species emerge Fyrgins (Deep Folk) and Bhaju (Burrow Folk) as a result of the cosmic wave effects.
93,500 B.F.A. Lorkach open a dimensional rift to the world of Arishian; they begin to enslave Aelwyn;
92,650 B.F.A. Enslaved Aelwyn begin to resist their captors; many are mutated and give rise to the Grythi (Darkfeet) of Aelwyn; they prove instrumental in the resistance against the Lorkach
90,750 B.F.A. Several clans of giants attack a small clan of fire dragons in the Fythalu Mountains (present day Desaryn Mountains of Baar Dysh); This enrages the powerful fire dragon Khuzzalual who begins to hunt down and attack giastor kin through out the Fythalu Mountains and the upper Talishul Basin
90,250 B.F.A. Khuzzalaul the Red dies fighting several giant clans in the Talishul Basin; Word of his demise spreads through dragon-kin; Many dragons begin to attack Giastor clans through out the Kingdom of Athigurian;
90,000 B.F.A. Rise of Ta'Jahu Civilization/First Dragon-Giant War
Ta'Jahu civilization rises on their homeworld of Emirual
Battles between giant-kin and dragon-kin escalate; The mighty Huzzalcul falls to the axe of Phultak a fire giastor king; The First Dragon-Giastor Wars Begin
89,450 B.F.A.
A small group of Ba-Liyan heilarks discover through the use of speghiz’iech they can generate powerful effects through sheer will alone; They begin to teach this technique to the many other clans surviving in the depths of the Qara Scuru (The Dark Dimension) they call this focus kai (kye); a spiritual force that is thought to emanate from or give animation to living beings )
88,250 B.F.A. The Darkworld Wars Begin
Ba-Liyan begin to resist against the domination of the Lorkach in the Qara Scuru; Through the use of kai they begin to make attacks upon the lorkach and their queen known as Tah-Uruish; these battles, skirmishes rage on for several thousand years; They refer to these techniques as Jiqu the ancient predecessor of Jinhu
88,025 B.F.A.
Aelwyn call upon the Asier (Aelwyn deities) to protect their dying world; In a cataclysmic event the Asier arrive to wage war against the Lorkach; In doing so a dimensional rift begins to devour the world causing the Asier to open a portal, known as the Ahupak, to a distant world (Kralis) where the various aewlyn species flee
87,950 B.F.A. The Ta'Jahu Houses Rise
Ta'Jahu separate into hundreds of houses; though five powerful families come to dominate the scene: House of Silveal; House of Malzin; House of Alutyr; House of Saefre; and House of Tasana;
86,450 B.F.A. The Darkworld Wars End
After several thousand years of battles the lorkach destroy the first Ba-Liyan ancestors; Ba-Liyans refer to this as the First Life
85,025 B.F.A.
The various Aelwyn species' begin to migrate through out Ta Los; Selathan also called the Shire-Kin and the Bhaju (Burrow Folk)inhabit the upper Talishul Basin; Fyrgins (Deep Folk) migrate north and east; Grythi (Dark Feet) migrate south-east; Ufgyds (Briar Kin) migrate north-west
84,575 B.F.A. First Dragon-Gaint War Ends
The First Dragon-Giant War ends; The Kingdom of Athigurian recedes north past the Fythalu Mountains (present day Desaryn Mountains of Baar Dysh) leaving the Talishul Basin to the ruled by dragons; A fragile peace exists between the two species
70,000 B.F.A.
A massive caldera erupts within the Fire Mountains. This region will become the home to Igharith, the Shattered Realm.
63,700 B.F.A.
Tribes of humans, thought to be of the Dejah heritage and survived the separation of Azar from Ta Los arise on the dark lands. They are referred to as Njeretere (Sky Folk) and begin to build the ancient sites that many future adventurers attempt to but fail to explore tens of thousands of years later.
59,750 B.F.A.
The first Trolls appear in the Minthirath Mountains (present day Prax Dun), existing in caves and hidden groves escaping the attention of Giastor slavers and their clans
56,850 B.F.A.
The Jia Luchiak separate into the Junde and the Jialu; the Junde migrate to eastern Hurlan and lands of present day Kingdom of Nashatras and present day Volak; The Jialu who migrate east and north of Hurlan;
55,000 B.F.A. The giant clan Dulfirgog begin exploring a dark region of mountains known as the Thogshu Mountains(present day Cethia Mountains) encounter a strange and magical force brought forth by the heilarks of “wild and aggressive humans dressed in furs, pelts and colored waist clothing; the call themselves the "Isande People”; The Dulfirgog fall to the power of the heilarks and are mutated into the first Fhen Khanurs; The clan returns to Athigurian in an attempt to cure themselves but are considered unequal to the giants and are enslaved in the Fythalu Mountain Mines
53,000 B.F.A. First Ta'Jahu Void Flight
Ta'Jahu of House of Silveal begin construction of ships capable of surviving in the Void; They discover the use of dolakh crystals deep within their homeworld;
52,750 B.F.A.
The various Ta'Jahu Houses build their first VoidShips and begin to explore the void and various houses begin to inhabit several nearby moons and planets orbiting Bhahut (the secondary Rhu of the Tu’ Aruhm Solvetras)
52,500 B.F.A. The Acirean people emerge on Cha-Urusu in the Thoro Solvetras;
52,000 B.F.A.
Fhen Khanur that escape the Giastor mines of the Fythalus Mountains settle into the great forest of Junik (present-day Garandor) along the borders of modern day Baar Dysh and the Haaran Empire.
51,950 B.F.A. Rebirth of the Ba-Liyan
As Ba-Liyan prophecy spoke, the Ba-Liyan ancestors emerge into their second existence within the DarkWorld; Lorkach magi were prepared for their return and enslaved the entire species within just a few years;
51,000 B.F.A.
Numerous Fhen Khanur clans migrate from Junik north towards the receding Iztalik Black Ice; they inhabit the lands west of the Thogshu Mountains (present day Fhen Khanur realm of Ahgrinuu); Soon skirmishes begin between the barbarian Isande humans and the Fhen Khanurs;
50,000 B.F.A. Rise of Monsters and the Byris Peoples
Monstrous humanoids emerge through out the world The ancient Byris people spread from the valleys, hills and mountains in the Talishul Basin to other parts of Kralis; Many clans escape the slavery of the giastori;
47,250 B.F.A. Dragon Wars
Fire dragons declare themselves rulers, Dragon Kings, over all dragon kind; They attempt to enslave the Earth and Air Dragons through out Kralis; The Dragon Wars Erupt
44,850 B.F.A. Dragon Wars End
The Dragon Wars come to an end as the First Bachan Drac (Council of Dragons) is assembled beneath the Khal-Dhanar Mountains; The six clans of dragons divide the world up the world amongst themselves;
44,000 to 41,000 B.F.A. Rise of the Quarial Ta’luthin
The First Queen of the Ta' Jahu, Ammavaru, ascends to a higher power, becoming what is described as demi-god; A number of her followers soon make this transformation and become the Quarial Ta’luthin; They establish the Celestial Realm of Avadhan in Bathimus Prime
42,750 B.F.A. Fleeing slavery in the grasp of giastor kind, groups of junde travel south escaping the frigid lands of the western Iztalik they settle many villages through out the plains, shores and mountainous regions that make up present day region of Dardura Sheva. They struggle against hordes of monsters that make their homes in these vast plains. Clans of isande begin hunting and living along the edges of the glaciers of the Iztalik,
42,450 B.F.A. The building of Etemenikul
Those Byris people that escaped the Kingdom of Athigurian settle in the Lands of Etemen (present day Aham); There they build the ancient city of Nebucha and begin the construction of a great temple of heaven and earth and name it Etemenikul where they worship Elal and Gishra;
41,250 B.F.A. The Second Life
After many thousands of years and after many attempts to free themselves from their enslavement by the Lorkach; the last Ba-Liyan clans are destroyed - This is called the Second Life; As Ba-Liyan prophecy holds a third Ba-Liyan genesis will occur
41,000 B.F.A. Shu-Mhazul Escapes
After 80,000 years of captivity numerous essence dragons infiltrate the lower realms of Prax Dyn storming the obsidian prison where Shu-Mhazul is held; Though many essence dragons die, the Dragon King escapes the power of Azahak and his demons; The Dragon King flees into the Celestial Realms and creates the demi-plane of Chuuxendigot
40,150 B.F.A.
The ancient city of Nebucha rises in power and the glory of Etemenikul is greatly spoke of; its legend grows in the spirits and thoughts of those enslaved by the giastori of Athigurian; The Etemenikul attracts the attention of powerful evil agents of Azahak who plot the destruction of the great city and the fall of the Byris People;
40,000 B.F.A. The Great Confusion
Foul creatures (Demons) of Azahak corrupt the growing power of the Etemenikul with chaotic energy resulting in a destruction of the city of Nebucha as powerful magic is unleashed from the Etemenikul which warps the Byris people of the city dividing them into the Dejah and the Kaarish peoples;
Dejah and Kaarish begin migrations through out Ta Los;
39,450 B.F.A.
Great wars between the various Ta'Jahu Houses erupt as Ta'Jahu begin to fight each other; as two Ta'Jahu houses arise to power: House of Silveal and House Malzin; other Ta'Jahu houses fall in line behind either of the two houses;
House Malzin begins open warfare on House Tasana, attempting to put them under militaristic control. Though shattered, many smaller clans of House Tasana become skirmish fighters continuing to attack the growing House of Malzin.
House Silveal takes in and supports the renegade bands of House Tasana.
39,125 B.F.A. The Third Life
Deep with the underground of the DarkWorld gathering speghiz’iech energies bring into existence the last ancestors of the Ba-Liyan in the Third Life; Within the clans arises a powerful heilark whom they call the Krataupi; this powerful Ba-Liyan heilark once again teaches the people the power of speghiz’iech and the focus of kai; and for several thousand years the Ba-Liyan learn and master these energies and begin to internalize this power; They re-discover the techniques of Kaiqu
39,000 B.F.A.
Dejah humans begin to inhabit the lands around the Great Gyvnal (present day Sea of Magnara); the first great heilarks arise through many clans
The Kaarish people migrate further to the south and east and inhabit the desert lands of present day Empire of Resha to the desert mountains of present day Greca Nor
38,625 B.F.A. The Second Dragon-Giant War
Several clans of Giant are surrounded by fire dragons in the Upandi Mountains (present day Dhundadin Sea Region) while on a scouting mission; The Kingdom of Athigurian demands dragons to leave central Ta Los; The Bachan Drac disregard the request; The Second Dragon-Giant Wars begin
38,000 B.F.A.
Ta'Jahu conflict increases and the aggressive House Mizlan sets its eyes on the home world of House Silveal. House Silveal rises up and strikes first with vicious strikes and strong elemental magic causing House Mizlan to prudently retreat. The two houses set in for a war that lasts for 1,500 years.
37,850 B.F.A.
Many Chovah clans flourish in what is called the Deep World (present day Tav Aeduhn); Many small clan kingdoms arise in various large caverns beneath Mekharus; as well as numerous villages and town on the surface.
37,500 B.F.A.
House Mizlan attacks and destroy Mithra, the capital city of the Silveal House world, this attack separates House Mizlan from its alliance with House Alutyr. The city is razed to the ground. House Alutyr bands with the renegade House Tasana and invade the world of House Mizlan intent on destroying the ruling family of the House. Through the use of great elemental magic House Mizlan turns back and utterly destroys the invading army; but the Mizlan homeworld is hit with a powerful explosion caused by a device called the Phyroentis; it leaves the world of House Mizlan devastated killing hundreds of thousands of druas Ta'Jahu;
37,000 B.F.A. Shu-Mhazul and Jhuzzuzhal Battle
Shu-Mhazul attacks Jhuzzuzhal in the heart of her realm; their battle rages across the Celestial Realm for several thousand years;
36,700 B.F.A.
The great Mines of Arkanol are founded in Tav Aeduhn realm beneath Mekharus.
36,000 B.F.A.
The first Chovah Council of Elders is held in the Mines of Arkanol underneath the Isle of the Chovah, The mines become the Great City of Chakarnu
35,050 B.F.A.
House Mizlan, after centuries of recovery, creates a grand army of Ta'Jahu in order to march upon the unified Houses of Silveal, Quisnar, and Tasana. This army measures in the hundreds of thousands of Ta'Jahu, they wreak havoc on the worlds of House Alutyr and Tasana, nearly destroying both worlds and houses; they are stopped by House Silveal use of the power of Rhivolus a powerful energy weapon that ultimately destroys the Mizlan homeworld;
House Mizlan flees into the void and are chased and hunted relentlessly for several thousand years. Those of the House Mizlan turn to the dark goddess Mala and use her dark powers to attack House Silveal in an attempt to escape the persecution of the House.
35,000 B.F.A.
A powerful leader and philosopher emerges in House Silveal and begins to teach Sadu Jelian (Principles of Reason and Thought)
Shu-Mhazul is finally defeated by Jhuzzuzhal who imprisons the Dragon King in his dark realm of Chuuxendigot
Kaarish barbarians and tribes in the desert of the south (present day Empire of Resha) establish a small outpost for trade through out the desert and south on the shores of the Blood Sea where the Talish River creates the bayou and swamplands of Baladhir. The largest is called Reshar (present day Jeweled City of Reshar ) and will come to dominate the region in trade over the next 30,000 years and be important in the development of political power and establishes the Empire of Resha.
35,000 - 33,000 B.F.A. The Chovah Disaster of Myngaard
Chovah Mazadhuk clans, delving deep into the earth beneath Chakarnu, make contact with a fragment of ancient Chaos; This destroys the ancient city and sinks most of Mekharus creating the island nation of Myngaard; The chaos also touches many of the Mazadhuk Chovah clans causing them to mutate and transmogrify creating the first Ha'Vatu and Rhakas, as well as a number of other monstrous humanoids;
These new Chovah-kin scatter into the dark worlds of Tav Aeduhn; The devastation to Mekharus causes hundreds of Chovah clans to also flee over the cold sea, many heading east into Ta Los main land;
34,950 B.F.A. The Second Dragon-Giant War Ends
Giant violently slaughter hundreds of dragons and drive them into hiding through out Ta Los and Kralis; Giants begin to migrate further north and east establishing numerous small realms loyal to the Kingdom of Athigurian
33,650 B.F.A.
Refugee Chovah from the collapsed Great City of Chakarnu erect the fortress called Dar Pakh on the surface world. They establish the Chovah nation of Myngaard.
32,500 B.F.A.
House Mizlan settles on a small, dark moon that orbits a the fourth Rhu of the Tu’ Aruhm Solvetras; Many of these Ta'Jahu begin to rebel against Mala defying her dark proclamations; House Mizlan divides: those that worship the Dark Goddess and those that wish to return to their Ta'Jahu kin;
32,010 B.F.A.
House Mizlan becomes divided: followers of Mala, called Draith; and those that return to follow Quarial Ta’luthin are known as Suraith
32,000 B.F.A.
A great power rises on the world of Mhul Taht; a powerful entity of technology and magic called the Bhulatag; It begins to dominate the Giant’s Belt; They assault the world of Riihthias; the Jakara resist but ultimately must flee their home world in vast generational void-ships as their world is destroyed by a powerful energy weapon;
31,950 - 28,850 B.F.A. The First Chovah Wars
Tensions rise between the various Chovah clans as each steps forward to declare themselves the true rulers over all Chovah-dom. Small battles between the clans eventually erupt into full blown wars as each clan attempts to gain control and rule over the other clans
31,785 B.F.A.
Ancestors of the Kanus species (karnacks), emerge in the distant east (present day Eastern Realms) in the plains and mountainous regions in what is present day Urith Dal Mountains and the Kingdom of Nazhryn
31,500 B.F.A.
A small clan of Mekronus Chovah, fleeing the Chovah War, establish the high mountain city of Mirtan in the Minthirath Mountains.
31,050 B.F.A.
Chovah rise in power in the lands to the far north. Hundreds of Chovah colonies, fleeing the continuing Chovah wars, begin to be established through out Tav Aeduhn. The various Chovah clans begin to establish great underground kingdoms.
31,000 B.F.A. Rise of Ahgrinuu
In the lands west of the Thogshu Mountains, the various clans of the Fhen Khanur species establish their young kingdom of Ahgrinuu.
The black ice of Iztalik recedes.
30,000 B.F.A. The Ta'Jahu of Tu’ Aruhm Solvetras make contact with the insectoid species of seciari;
Most of the Giant’s Belt becomes altered creating an arphemhal of mechanical beings blended with technology and magic;
Many dejah human tribes are brought together in a unified effort against a minor giastor kingdom Ghultalak in the ancient realm of Nebucha (present day Ahamakara). These tribes are ruled by chiefs and the warrior aristocracy.
29,998 B.F.A. Ba-Liyan Exodus
Lorkach, sensing the rise of an ancient power, begin to hunt down and exterminate Ba-Liyan ancestors; many clans flee deeper into the depths of the DarkWorld; Only a few clans escape; in terror and fear they make a last stand near a large, ancient yoobehan tree where a great portal opens and a figure of light bids them to follow in order to escape the lorkach; These clans emerge in a vast valley within the ancient Juhtan Mountains (present day Blue Mountains) on the world of Kralis
29,650 B.F.A. The Third Dragon-Giastor War Begins
A rage of one thousand dragons rises from the eastern regions of Ta Los and begin to wage a last war to break and destroy the giastori-clans that have dominated the face of Ta Los. This war will drive the giastori, their kin and their slave armies back to the far west where the Kingdom of Athigurian will remain, combined with the low birth rate of the giastor, the Kingdom is unable to ever gather its strength to re-expand.
28,850 - 27,650 B.F.A. The End of the Chovah Wars - Coming of the Oyx
The Chovah Wars come to an uneasy end as the clans learn of a dark and terrible power threatening the Chovah species; Foul creatures of chaos emerge and begin to assault the Chovah clans; Many Chovah are twisted by this chaos into what are called Oyx; These creatures cause the clans to unite against a common enemy; a powerful warrior named Kuurigen the Anvil, a Mekronus Chovah (thought by many to be the avatar of Kuurigen the Chovah Father) brings an end to Oyx incursion by shattering the Darking Stone, believed to be the power of chaos that brought the Oyx into the Omniverse;
28,450 B.F.A.
Chovah found the city of Borgosh near the shores present-day Bay of Cold.
26,250 B.F.A.
The various clans of Nebucha are finally united under the warlord Istha Kish Tular. The new region and nation is called the Kishan Empire.
26,150 B.F.A.
The tribes of Kul of the central region of the Upandi Mountains in central Ta Los are conquered by Kishian forces. This marks the beginning of the First Dynasty of the Kishian Empire.
25,675 B.F.A. The Second Chovah Wars Begin
Renewed battles and wars threaten to once again destroy the Chovah species. Decisively the Athdeha Clan leave Myngaard and travel into the southern lands. Wars continue to rage as the remaining Chovah clans clash over borders and rights.
Over the next two hundred years the various Chovah clans separate and head into the world. The Mazadhuk Clan head deeper into Tav Aeduhn.
The Mekronus Clan, living near the sea for these past millenia take to the sea on a permanent basis leaving their ground dwelling brethren to continue fight amongst themselves. They establish the underwater Chovah realm of Thearntor.
The remaining two clans: Mekronus, and Mazadhuk, continue to battle for the next 1,500 years.
25,000 B.F.A.
The first skirmish between the insectoid seciari and House Silveal occurs in Siphal Region of the Tu’ Aruhm Solvetras; Both species retreat back to their homeworlds;
A powerful Baal Dalkus demon-prince named Kexzathurix arrives on Ta Los ahead of a legion of demons and founds the dark realms of Huusitahar in the mountains of Curiza (present-day Bayreesh) in the Western Realms on the border between present-day Solthania and Alisanos. He creates the Bakrath Gate, a gate that opens up to the plane of Nharak. Demonic kind begin to slowly infiltrate the dark worlds of Tav Aeduhn establishing the dark cities of Lurikith, Dreach, and the City of Iron.
24,975 B.F.A. The Third Dragon-Giastor War Ends
The final wars of the Dragon and Giastor end. The Kingdom of Athigurian is reduced to the far west until it is overthrown by uprising human slaves 14,000 years later.
24,800 B.F.A. Founding of Kish
Kishtar, the Imperial City of Kish, is founded in a fertile valley (present day valley of Bagan within Ahamakara). The first Kishian emperor Furyur. The Kishian people excel at the use of heilarkic magic, calling upon the spirits of the world to do their bidding. They increase their territories by summoning forth air and earth spirits that they command to open great portals to other locations and planes of existence.
Skirmish battles between the tribes of Kultak (karnacks) and the tribes of Guurish (goblins) explodes into full war as the two species clash over territory in the northern forests at the foot of the Sazar Crys mountains
The First Citadel of Magic, Aznoia, is erected in the Upandi Mountains (in central Kish, present day Dhunadin Sea) as the mystical forces, now called magical energies are harnessed by Staun Greygem, the first Elemental Sorcerer; he is blessed with long life
24,350 B.F.A. The Chovah realm Ur is established in the Upandi Mountains (Bayreesh) on the border of the present-day Alisanos.
24,175 B.F.A. The Second Chovah Wars Ends
The Second Great Chovah Wars come to an end as Chovah of Clan Mekronus flee Myngaard leaving the whole of the isle in the hands of the Mazadhuk Clan.
23,825 B.F.A. War of the Ta'Jahu
Seciari warships arrive around the homeworld of the Ta'Jahu House Alutyr - Wathur ; After a two hundred year stand off the seciari poison the skies of the world, ships of House Alutyr attempting to escape the world are destroyed; as the world becomes a mass of green-black sludge several thousand Ta'Jahu open a magical planetary portal to Emirual; This action causes the Silveal and Tasana Houses to build the first Imperial Ta'Jahu Void Navy known as the Jhas Tuhvan
23,450 B.F.A. Fir Darrig Emerge
Demonic forces in the City of Iron open several gates to Arishian and brought many hundreds of different fae-kin creatures and beings; Many where tormented and magical altered to the needs of their masters; among these were the dark fir darrig forced into slavery to the various demonkind both in the City of Iron and within the realms of Neter-Kheret
22,785 B.F.A. War of the Ta'Jahu
Using powerful Sultra Nal Raetha (Ta'Jahu high magic); the Jhas Tuhvan (Ta'Jahu Imperial Void Navy) are able to move from Emirual to the homeworld of House Saefre - P'tahal in an attempt to stop the advancing Seciari warships; A great battle above P'Tahal ensues with nearly half the Jhas Tuhvan fleet being destroyed; The remaining fleet flees back through a magical portal; The seciari corrupt Johynu Nal Dra (high Ta'Jahu crafted beings of magic and technology) and begin to infiltrate the Ta'Jahu numbers
22,005 - 20,450 B.F.A. War of the Ta'Jahu
For the next 1,500 - 2,000 years the Tu’ Aruhm Solvetras becomes a violent, war torn region of the Void; tens of thousands of ships are destroyed; In a unified attempt to protect their homeworld and their ancient cultures all the Ta'Jahu Houses, including the outcast House Mizlan, return to Emirual; In a desperate attempt to survive thousands of Ta'Jahu flee their homeworld and eventually Tu’ Aruhm Solvetras in Idath Nal Dra (lifeships); Gathering energies and powers, the Quarial Ta’luthin open up portals for the ships to move through to different locations of the Void; The seciari continue to attack and follow the Ta'Jahu far beyond the light of the four Rhu's of their homeworld;
21,000 B.F.A. Fir Darrig Rebellion
Thousands of fir darrig rebel against their demonic masters; most flee into the depths of the Tav Aeduhn; those in the Celestial Realms scatter into the many connecting planes most escape into the Nyx plane;
20,010 B.F.A.
Having migrated south clans of Ha'vatu migrate form a homeland on several islands in the Blood Sea; They establish the village of Lhor; They establish the Ha'vatu nation of Cuthia on the island chain;
20,000 B.F.A.
Kishian forces and Kaarish Tagesta clash in the Khul Dal Mountains (present day Meminak Mountains). This clash begins the Desert Wars that will last for thousands of years and will brew a hatred between the kaarish people of Resha and the people of Ahamakara.
19,125 B.F.A. The First Rhakas of the East
Several clans of Rhakas, fleeing from the depths of Tav Aeduhn emerge in the Khal Dhanur Mountains (present day Tuurith Nyg Mountains);
17,250 B.F.A.
A powerful and might earthquake strikes the Upundi Mountains (present Day Bayreesh/Blue Mountains) causing the mountain range to split into two creating the Valley of the Raven; The Ba-Liyan clans in the mountains are divided many migrate westward into present day Western Realm, others migrate south towards the present day regions of the Southern Realms;
16,055 B.F.A.
Gruak slavers in the Thoro Solvetras begin to capture and enslave the Acries people; The Acries are soon being traded and sold through out the Solvetras;
15,850 B.F.A. The Founding of Khehidupa
A clan of Ba-Liyans known as the Jheta Ley find a powerful source of speghiz’iech deep within the Fythalu Mountains (present day Desaryn Mountains); they name the location Khehidupa (Center of Life) and begin to construct a temple within the cave system surrounding the source;
15,000 B.F.A. Founding of the Empire of Resha
As a result of the Desert Wars the kaarish Tagesta fortify fortresses and settlements through out the mountains and valleys to protect the desert lands of the south. The Jeweled City of Reshar, becomes the central seat of power within the desert region and establishing the young Empire of Resha.
14,050 B.F.A.
The Temple of Khehidupa in the Fythalu Mountans (present day Baar Dysh region of the Desaryn Mountains) soon becomes the focal point and holy site for all Ba-Liyan who wish to increase their connection to the speghiz’iech and the refinement of their jiqu beliefs;
13,500 B.F.A. Arrival of the Ta'Jahu
Fewer than 100 Idath Nal Dra Ta'Jahu voidships survive the exodus from their home solvetras; Most of the ships that were not captured or destroyed drifted for over 2,000 years and left to drift through the Void on a set path; These ships crash into the world of Kralis in the Cayrula Sea (present day Sea of Tarn); Those that survive establish the first empire of the Ta'Jahu on an large island in the Cayrula Sea and call it La-thia (the New Home)
The Ta'Jahu houses once again begin to clash as they move to rise in power; House Mizlan quickly moves to gain great power using dark and chaotic magic;
13,000 B.F.A.
House Alutyr establish the kingdom of Val Nal 'T Baliar on the Sea of Tarn. They begin to explore and search for the lost void ships that crashed into the waters
12,500 B.F.A. Birth of the Syliph
Ta'Jahu sorcerers who had been tampering with increasing the power of the Ta'Jahu high magic Sultra Nal Raetha over the past thousand years find that they are no longer true Ta'Jahu, but something more of a hybrid between the elements they were tampering with and their Ta' Jahu blood; After several centuries these Ta'Jahu evolve to become the outcast species called the Syliph; Together they will found the realm of Igharith in 10,900 B.F.A.
12,250 B.F.A.
In the lush forest valleys of Jhautar, in the shadows of the Kalish Mountains, the cities of Abjahar and Bedarud are founded and rise to great importance and power in the region.
At the head waters and springs of the Tal Ir River, the city of Abdash is founded. It becomes a major trading post for trade coming from Telhar and Resha. The Tower of Alchemy is founded here.
12,055 B.F.A.
Numerous goblin clans and kaznark clans begin to establish small territories throughout the world. The first karnacks rise to power in present-day Ta’ Kanasiti
12,000 B.F.A.
A large slaving contingent of Gruak slaver voidships is knocked off course during a void jump; the ship slams into the western coast of Hurlan; Only 1,200 Acries survive the crash;
The Ha'vatu clan Ghunnitak creates the first clockwork beast and steam-powered engine; It explodes destroying the small village of Ha' vatus and ending the Ghunnitak Clan Lineage
11,785 B.F.A.
Tribes of kaarish settle and establish the city of Telhar in the western foothills of Kalish. They establish strong trade routes through out the region.
11,600 B.F.A.
The tribes of Kultak defeat the Guurish Tribe and establish the minor realm of Kul;
The Ta'Jahu houses of Lathia begin to contest each other over land rights for their separate houses. A number of skirmishes break out all over Lathia. Each house wants to rule all of Lathia. Many small Houses, sensing great a war coming to the Ta'Jahu people, leave Lathia and head into central Ta Los to establish minor realms.
11,450 B.F.A.
Deep beneath the Ithangar Sea, Ha'Vatu explorers discover a vast network of tunnels and caves where they discover small deposits of dolakh crystals; They are guarded by powerful, otherworldly forces and are difficult to retrieve; The explorers return to Lhor with several dozen of different power capabilities
In an attempt to force the power of geniis into the service of mortal kind, Grand Maklik spellcasters of Abdash bring down upon them and their magnificent city the wrath of the geniis, for the next three hundred years the city is ruled over by Jutnim, whose cruelty is unmatched.
11,225 B.F.A. A young dejah fleeing the destruction of his village from an attack by a horde of oku falls through a crevice above the Temple of Khehidupa; He is rescued by the Ba-Liyan priests and jiquar; He is called Shudu and quickly learns the ways of the Ba-Liyan and of their Jiqu; He becomes the Shudu the Rezzak and is granted long life;
The Shining City of Fath Shahid is built upon the Rock of Jahiur along the eastern banks of the Talish River. It becomes a holy site to the kaarish people of Resha. It is a well fortified city with a strong military presence and slowly begins to conquer many surrounding villages and soon becomes the ruling power of the river to the north from the edge of the Forest of Thas, to the intersecting river of Tal Ir.
11,010 B.F.A. The Fall of Abdash After 340 hundred years of slavery to the genii Jutnim, the people of Abdash rebel bringing down the powerful genii who curses the region to become dry, arid, and unlivable, this creates the wastes of Al-Kabur, this eventually leads to the creation of the desert of El Bahdehlam.
11,010 B.F.A. Stone of Inethril Staun Greygem creates the first Stone of Inethril; a powerful, ancient magical device that is used to store magical energies;
11,000 B.F.A. The Kishian Empire has expanded its power via teleporter rings to encompass from present-day Myanothia and from Vladac (of the Baronies of Vishran) to present-day Multhuran Empire.
The Citadel of Tor Nas is finished in the central region of the Empire (the Upandi Mountain Region) and becomes the seat of the ruling Kishian Emperor of Kish.
The city of Bedarud is settled on the shores of the Blood Sea where the Kalish Mountains dive into the sea. They begin shipping routes that take them as far the Vaheem: The Western Reach and the many villages that line the coasts of the Sea of Tarn and Vaheem: The Western Reach.
10,750 B.F.A.
A Ha'Vatu artificer contains a great deal of magic within a single blue-diamond thoicar; The Ha'vatu uses it to power a large clockwork creature it is referred to as an arabeitz; This spawns intensive research into other new creations;
10,700 B.F.A.
Kishan is defeated as it attempts to push its reign into present-day Kingdom of Panthais as it is besieged by goblinoids and ogres in that region.
11,120 B.F.A. The Clashing
Kishan explorers encounter a number of Ba-Liyan; the first contact between a human civilization and Ba-Liyan; Unnerved by the Ba-Liyan of using some new magic the Kishan explorers begin to attack the group; They are stopped by a very old Shudu as he causes the world around the explorers to warp and frightening causing the explorers to flee;
11,115 B.F.A. Staun Greygem learns of the new "magic" that was wielded by Shudu; Intrigued the Elemental Sorcerer travels to Khehidupa to exchange knowledge of "mystical energies and capabilities"; This represents the first time that beings other than Ba-Liyan become aware of Jiqu; Word of this new "magic" soon spreads through Kishian Empire
10,900 B.F.A.
Syliph establish the realm of Igharith.
10,825 B.F.A. The Giastor-Chovah Wars
Since the ending of their Kingdom, broken and beaten the Giastori fled into the wilds of the world; Many heading into the Dark Lands of Iztalik; In an effort to establish a new realm, many clans begin invading the Island of Myngaard; These conflicts will continue for the next 1,800 years
10,775 B.F.A.
Thousands of Acries escape the whips of their Kishan slave-masters during a great battle on the Julnar Plains (the modern Great Dale), these tribes band together and begin a search for a new homeland.
10,500 B.F.A.
Ha'vatu traders encounter Ta'Jahu explorers using a new type of magic that the Ha' vatus call aradgah; The Ha' vatus "borrow" some of the new-type of magic for research in Lhor; They make away with numerous foritun stie (programming gems)
10,489 B.F.A.
Led by a young warrior from the heart of the present day Empire of Rinsha Adynshra, 50,000 slaves rebel against the greatest of the giastor-kin kings and destroy the Kingdom of Athigurian. For the next 500 years the legends and rumors of the Athugurian Uprising spread and many unkind and cruel giastori find themselves and their kingdoms beneath the sharpened spear point of rebellious slaves of all species. By the end, giastor-kind is thrust into isolated pockets through out Ta Los.
The future lands of Talica fall to monstrous humanoids (albs, giants, shaldhun, formorians, goatmen, hobgoblin, kaznarks, ogres and more) after the defeat of giastor clans within the Kingdom of Athigurian
10,489 B.F.A.
Large clans of Mazadhuk Chovah, establish the realm of Riildarrow in the hills of the Minthirath Mountains (present day Prax Dun) in what is present-day Kraz Nal Tyr. They build the great city of Mazdarrow. They begin trade with Fhen Khanurs in the region.
10,475 B.F.A.
A legion of Gyryzths demons raze the Imperial City of Kishtar. From the anarchy of this, the kingdom is divided into northern and southern kingdoms of Kish (present day Ahamkara) and Kuur (present day Dhunadin Sea). This marks the beginning of the Second Dynasty of the Kishian Empire.
10,450 B.F.A.
The Ha'vatu guild known as the Aradgah Guild; begins with the building of new types of Arabeitz based on the plans and devices that they borrowed from the Ta'Jahu
10,400 B.F.A.
The Aradgah Guild constructs the first mhalakha (mechanoid); Soon after they develop and build numerous types of arabeitz: jageun, mhalakho, tethrak, gharak
10,389 B.F.A.
Khurnnhul, a great stone city of the Njeretere, the Sky Folk on Azar is attacked by several mega sized creatures that are known as Tesilnak; they destroy most of the stone city.
10,350 B.F.A.
The Kuur kingdom erects the Citadel of Tor on the location of present-day island of Caznak, in the Dhunadin Sea.
Fir darrig establish Tav Aeduhn realm of Duana Tagh beneath present-day Kingdom of Nazhryn.
The large barbarian village of Kha Ersti is founded in the basin of Mul-Thain. The Junde people begin slowly spread into the surrounding lands of the Western Realms.
10,265 B.F.A.
Fhen Khanur and humans make contact in the plains of present day Plains of Varga
Rhakas settle in the east within Baligrog Mountains;
10,250 B.F.A.
Monks of the Church of Odiryn hear of the power of Jiqu; and come to the Temple of Khehidupa to learn this new philosophy; They are astonished to find Shudu the Rezzak still alive;
10,150 B.F.A.
Peasants of the northern Kishan Kingdom of Kuur revolt.
Merfolk clans establish the realm Khualish and the grand city of Ohtah in the Sea of Magnara.
10,000 B.F.A.
Bhahuul tribes form Khataz predecessor to the Empire of Kaz Nakiur in the low mountains of Meminak between present-day Resha and Rinsha Adynshra
Rhakas clans surviving in the caverns surrounding it, storm Dar Pakh, erupting from the deep realms, presumably from the lost city of Chakarnu. This incursion drives the Chovah out of the fortress.
The Kishan Kingdom reaches its highest point of power dominating the upper regions of the Northern Realms as far as present-day Parika where the black ice of Iztalik has begun to recede.
Gathered in large forces the Chovah of Myngaard attack and reclaim the tower of Dar Pakh, pushing the Rhakas back deep into Tav Aeduhn. They begin the construction of the city of Thurion around the tower.
Ta'Jahu clans from Lathia establish the small forest kingdom of Sanra Siti in the great woods of present day Kingdom of Nazhryn.
9,986 B.F.A.
Human barbarian clans (Isande humans) begin to fight against the goblin tribes and ogres within the forests region of present day Panthais.
Numerous junde and isande communities come together in the central plain of present day Malthuran, here they establish way-moot. This way-moot is called Kha Ersti and will grow to become one of the largest cities in the Western Realms before the first age.
9,950 B.F.A. The War of the Arabeitz begins
Deep beneath Lhor chaotic energies sweep through the lower levels and begin to corrupt that hundreds of arabeitz that exist within the city corrupting them and turning them against the Ha' vatus; The Arabeitz War Begins
9,900 B.F.A.
Chaos erupts in the Kishan Mountains (located in central Kishan, the northern reaches of present day Aham Mountains which stretched into central Kuur which is present day Dhunadin Sea) as unknown, mystical forces are released. These forces transform many of the creatures and beings into monsters
9,855 B.F.A.
Ta'Jahu of Sanra Siti discover the grand Hall of Mysinar, deep within the Forest of Murnath. This becomes holy ground for the Ta'Jahu as they attempt to commune with the Quarial Ta'luthin beseeching them to come to this world for the sake of all Ta'Jahu
9,850 B.F.A.
Suraith-druas Ta'Jahu from Lathia come to study Elementalism, under the tutelage of Staun. The Ta'Jahu are stunned to find the human to be the same human that harnessed the powers of the elements some 2000 years before.
Merrow begin attacking the realm of Khaulish. These attacks often include the use of leviathan creatures that destroy great portions of the realms.
Several Chovah clans venture deep into the lost mines of Arkanol to find the remains of the ancient city of Chakarnu. Instead they find a bottomless abyss that falls deep into Tav Aeduhn Realms. Here these clans begin the reconstruction of their lost heritage and begin the building of Thurion the Deep sister city of Thurion the Greater on the surface; the greatest city of Chovah on Kralis
9,825 B.F.A.
The Arabeitz War spreads beyond Lhur with hundreds of arabeitz escaping into Tav Aeduhn; Powerful new arabeitz are formed and the construction of the CorhDan begins; It will telepathically connect hundreds of thousands of arabeitz in a single hive mind;
9,805 B.F.A.
The merfolk of Khaulish begin the construction of coral garrison towers through out the realm, following the natural pattern of the undersea mountains of Kalahsecu Suss'lan. From these towers merfolk warriors are able to venture into the Hellsground Trench to fight merrow
Gawarro heilarks call forth dark and evil spirits in their rituals deep beneath the Sea of Magnara in the city of Suulapthoquo; they open a portal to a dark dimension and the great Qwalalatou passes into the lands of Ta Los; the other-worldly beast begins terrorizing the villages, fishing boats, and larger cities on the islands and shores.
9,801 B.F.A.
The dark aligned portion of House Mizlan heads deeper into Tav Aeduhn and travels further north under the Sea of Magnara and into Tav Aeduhn Realms below present day Dardur Sheva and establish Tav Aeduhn Realm of Duronith
9,800 B.F.A.
Bhahuul warriors continue to fight against giastor clans through out the mountains of Kazhar as the two species fight for domination; Thousands of Bhahuul are slaughtered; and many tribes are enslaved by the growing giastor clans;
9,785 B.F.A.
Kishian spellcasters establish the Tower of Arquino in the eastern plains near the Plume Mountains (present day Via' Asthierr Mountains of Ta' Kanasiti). It is a brilliant white tower built from white marble and granite. It is used to study the skies, alchemical laboratories, and other magical experiments and journeys into the Celestial Omniverse.
9,775 B.F.A.
Great battles begin in Myngaard as Chovah of various descent begin to battle over control and leadership of the Isle of Myngaard. The Isle of Myngaard is divided into seven regions with the greatest warriors, sages and spellcasters casting themselves into kings and queens of these Chovah empires.
Wars between Sanra Siti and the Fir Darrig of Duana Tagh erupts as the "Dark Ones" surge into the realms from caves and fissures in the earth. These battles rage for several centuries, until the Ta'Jahu of Sanra Siti use elemental magic to seal the various crannies that the "Dark Elves" use to emerge from Tav Aeduhn.
Three great Ta'Jahu houses: Via' Asthierr, Asthierr Sylth, and Via' Mysi leave Lathia fleeing the Ta'Jahu-kin wars leaving behind all other houses. They journey by great ships north and establish the Ta'Jahu nation of Ta' Kanasiti (Tah Kah-Na-si-tai) in the ancient northern forest of the Northern Realms.
9,750 B.F.A. The Arrival of the Quarial Ts'Luthin
Ammavaru and the Quarial Ta'luthin attention is drawn to the world of Kralis from the prayers from the Hall of Mysinar. The Quarial Ta'luthin are saddened at the plight of their people. The Quarial Ta'luthin gather the Monarchs of the various Ta'Jahu Houses and establish a new Ta'Jahu order on Kralis. They establish the first house, Amma Ta'luthin, and each of the ruling families are made of this house. The house is set above all other houses. Ammavaru forbids any new houses to be formed for 1,000 years as she and the Quarial Ta'luthin return to live among their people.
9,740 B.F.A. Khalahar Arises
In an attempt to capture and use the power of the magic of Kaf, the Bheirhald Guild of Sorcerers in the city of Telhar in the Empire of Resha capture a powerful genii called Khalahar. While the attempt to bring the powerful genii to this plane is successful, the sorcerers are not prepared for the cunning and trickery that Khalahar uses to gain control of the Guild. He uses this influence and power to overtake and control the city. This leads to 500 years of slavery and tyranny of the city and the surrounding regions.
9,700 B.F.A.
Numerous, powerful items are discovered buried in the earth in the Kish Empire; Ancient devices and artifacts known as the Bukahara Artifacts.
These are ten great artifacts that are used to store the whole of the magical lore of the empire and are placed in a Kish Temple in the center of the Empire; They soon begin to take on a force that draws worshipers to them;
A number of skirmishes occur between Ta'Jahu and Fir Darrig as both fight over similar territory through out Tav Aeduhn realms.
Merrow raids into Khaulish become bloodier and more frequent. Several leviathans are destroyed as they are used as beasts of war against the garrison towers.
9,675 B.F.A. Rise of Artifact Worship
Powerful artifacts and strange devices gain significance among the Kish people; A number of the Bukahara Artifacts are intelligent sentient items and begin to influence the minds and beliefs of the people. Soon small groups of worshipers of these items take root. The greatest of these items Kuzzithak, a crown of power, made for the Lord Kualitan, begins to influence his mind. During the winters solstice Lord Kualitan forbids the worship of the Kralis deities and replaces them with specific powerful items. Kuzzithak grants Lord Kualitan long-life.
9,670 B.F.A. The Dark Way is discovered by House Alutyr scouts in the sea floor south of present-day Barony of Michan. This gigantic cavern of dark water beneath the surface of lands leads to smaller, ancient volcanic tunnels that lead to the Sea of Magnara and the lairs of the Children of Qwalalatou
Trade routes are established between the merfolk of Khualish and the Ta'Jahu of Val Nal 'T Baliar.
Merfolk establish the cities of Ree Tari, Saptath, and Naarish.
9,650 B.F.A. The War of the Arabeitz ends After nearly four hundred years of fighting the Ha'vatu abandon the city of Lhor and its island as they initiate khajragku; this causes the island to begin to erupt with powerful forces of energy; Realizing its imminent doom the CorhDan opens a dimensional rift allowing for hundreds of arabeitz to flee; as the island sinks beneath the Blood Sea in a massive singular explosion; It is believed that these aradeitz eventually rediscover or locate the ancient dözü;
9,600 B.F.A.
Monks of the Church of Odiryn establish a sub-order within the church to further the study and understanding of Jiqu; The order is called the T'Qwal Rishra (Followers of Wisdom); They begin the building of the Temple of T'qwal Rishra in the Khal-Dhanar Mountains
9,550 B.F.A.
Staun Greygem discovers a powerful talisman known as the: Bahlaru Talisman; buried beneath the Citadel of Aznoia; Upon its activation the magi finds himself half-way around the world in the lands of Kalos; He swiftly discovers the secrets of the Lhatijo and their great Galatic Gates; He is soon accompanied by a young dejah human named Ter Ashlan and together they begin creating the Gates of Bahlaru by means of the Talisman begins to-relink the ancient gates through out the Omniverse.
Bhahuul and ancient Dejah-humans make first contact in the hills just north present day Kaz Nakiur. This leads to several battles that causes the humans to retreat from the hills and to not tolerate Bhahuul for thousands of years.
Fir Darrig begin establishing civilizations through-out Tav Aeduhn realms beneath present-day Pash Tar: the dark city of Melek Ba Rys; in the Nazrafu Desert, The City of Char; in the Empire of Resha, Och Adnach. The greatest of their realms is Ithang Urth situated beneath mountains of Aham in the present-day northern Ahamkara.
Merrow spies locate the Dark Way and invade the Sea of Tarn and establish the realm of Ukrahic beneath the ice shelf of Gashinar. The colder waters begin to alter the nature of the merrow creating a large more humanoid looking species that call themselves the Mereel.
9,500 B.F.A.
The Imperial City of Kishtar becomes victim of a devastating plague that quickly surges through the population it is called the Phuir Plague. Ailing citizens flock to temples of Elal and Daemah throughout the kingdom but are unable to be healed as the gods in their anger have removed their healing benefits from the kingdom. Kish also becomes victim to a blight and drought that destroys the empires crops and herd animals bringing famine to those that survive the plague.
The whole of the kingdom is awash with plague that quickly spreads into the southern kingdom of Kuur where it takes a great toll on the people there. Outraged the people of both kingdoms turn their anger towards the great artifacts and strange items removing them from their holy places and sending them to the ends of the world. Many of these items become cursed.
This marks the last dynasty of the Kishian Empire.
Ta'Jahu establish the realm of Ilyrm TurNith in present-day Barony of Michan.
Asthiert Valoth (City of Light) of Ta'Kanasiti is built and becomes the capital of the Ta'Jahu nation
9,450 B.F.A. Giastori and giants from the shattered Kingdom of Athigurian establish the realm of Galturik (present day Ice Realm Region: Zhosarik, Sahrivk, Nemhedh, Parika, Ragnar and Khafeek).
Seeking a home of their own, the Mekronus Clan of Chovah and the Athdeha Clan agree to establish a realm situated between present day Dhunadin Sea and the great ocean Tineth (present day Sea of Ithangar). It is called Garandor, Chovah for Last Home, and is a free realm that welcomes all Chovah.
The reign of King Skol Malithgar of the Mekronus Clan and Queen Reynna Jundet of the Athdea Clan ensures that both clans have a stake in the power and ruling of the realm to never again allow what occurred in Myngaard 15,000 years before. The fortified city of Manak Dirguith is founded.
9,225 B.F.A. Shudu the Rezzak Passes/ Rise against Khalahar
The ancient being known as Shudu the Rezzak passes from this world and ascends to the Celestial Realms; Small cults of followers believe that he ascended to demi-god status and becomes the focal point of the power of speghiz’iech
After several hundred years of tyranny, cruel slavery and unmerciful vengence, the city of Telhar exacts revenge upon the genii Khalahar through very powerful magic and aid from Fath Shahid. In the ensuing battles that raged for nearly 100 years, the city of Telhar fell and the destruction that was left in the wake was beyond compare. The entire city was swallowed up by sand as Khalahar raged and brought foul magic to the area.
9,200 B.F.A.
Human clans of the Panthais region begin to wage war against the giastor realm of Galturik, as giastori attempt to push their realm further south to regain the glory of their lost Kingdom of Athigurian.
9,132 B.F.A. The Breaking of Giastori
Having surged their numbers greatly, the human tribes of the north (Panthais and Nashatras) push back the remaining giastor clans, nearly wiping the species out of the far north. They drive the giastori of the north past the sharp, ice peaks of the Khamari Mountains.
9,125 B.F.A. The Creation of Baahedehlam
In a climatic battle Khalahar was ultimately destroyed which created the bad lands of the Baahedehlam and which led to the creation of the powerful desert of Resh. Over the next 500 years, the desert and badlands will encroach over all the fertile lands of the Empire, creating the largest desert in Ta Los. It would only be stopped by the elemental magic of several jinns at the rivers of Talish and Tal Ir.
9,102 B.F.A. The rise of Gorguan Realm
With the giastori of the north defeated tribes of Nuhtegh (savage humanoid-ki): oku, hobgoblins, goblins, kaznarks, and karnacks settle into the valleys and gorges that make up present-day Parika, they establish the Gorguan Realm. 9,025 B.F.A. The Building of the Iron Wall of Takther begins
After 1,800 years of constant battles and wars along the northern shores of Myngaard, the clans of Chovah finally drive the giastori across the Cold Bay and begin the construction of the Iron Wall of Takther
9,000 B.F.A. The Destruction of Kish/Forming of the Dhunadin Sea
The Tower of Ginash is raised in the Forest of Farithik, here hundreds of priests, clerics and acolytes gather to worship the gods of good.
The exact details of what occurred in the Citadel of Tor Nas, and the Kishian Empire, are unclear, but the results of what occurred changed the Ta Los forever. At some point during this time, the great mages and priests of Kishan cast dark and powerful spell that brings down the realm as it was blasted away by magical forces that left nothing more than a gigantic crater that would eventually become the Dhunadin Sea. This destroys the Kishian empire.
The Citadel of Aznoia disappears. The Bahlaru Talisman and the secrets of the Stone of Inethril construction becomes lost in time
Bhahuul slaves are emboldened by the news that a powerful Bhahuul warrior known as Kaz Naki has risen up and broken his bonds and has begun leading rebel skirmishers against the giastori in order to free his people;
8,999 B.F.A. The Founding of Anturoch
Giastori and giants from that survived the destruction of their last bastions within the lower regions of Kralis form the new Kingdom of Anturoch deep within the Black Glaciers of Iztalik.
8,980 B.F.A. Destruction of Kha Ersti
Clans of House Alutyr Ta'Jahu establish the realm of VurNal Uusia within the Sea of Magnara around the sea mount Kaarish's Tower and its several islands.
After many decades of fighting Bhahuuls are victorious in driving the giastor clans out of the Meminak Mountains and into the lands north; The Bhahuul nation is born and is named after Kaz Naki calling it Kaz Nakiur its founding city is called Brakich
After a thousand years, the great barbarian city of Kha Ersti falls to the encroachment of demons and priests of Azahak as they attempt to enslave the peoples of plains of the region of the modern day Malthuran Empire. The city is ruined as fell magics cause the city to sink into a putrid swamp. Tens of thousands of lives are lost as the swamps swallow them whole.
8,950 B.F.A.
Fir Darrig travel to the depths beneath the Sea of Magnara where they construct the dark citadel known as Haaturig Tegwa, recognizing it as a place of great evil where they commune with dark gods of the Celestial.
8,875 B.F.A.
The Chovah of Garandor found Bolagir on the northern edge of Garandor in the Cliffs of Harish overlooking present-day Haarn Empire.
8,800 B.F.A. Founding of Ahamkara
Remnant tribes of people of the Kishan Empire, predominately dejah and junde, gather under the rulership of Tarrik Ahamka, a powerful Archmage, in the fertile valleys at the foothills of the Hurthta Mountains (present day Aham Mountains). The region grows slowly over the next 2,000 years and becomes known as Ahamkara. They found the city of Hurluth in the Bagan Valley. These tribes settle several states within that create "god-kings" and cultivate a dark and strange spellcasting known as Dulak.
8,750 B.F.A.
After 1,000 years of rule the First House, Ammavaru and the Quarial Ta'luthin decree that the First House is to select 200 hundred of its very best to create 100 Houses. They also establish the Druc a’Orraunil (War of Wisdom), a “war” fought by champions from each house during the holy month of Elvalteer (The Will of God; it is never the same month each year, instead being randomly chosen by a member of the First House). The Druc a'Orruanil is held every 150 to 200 years. The winning house of the Druc a’Orraunil rules all of the Ta'Jahu people for a single generation.
Merfolk of the Sea of Ithangar establish the deep sea city of Iano within the deep sea mountains of Meb Ola that run north to south in the deep waters between present-day Kraz Nal Tyr and Mashrapur.
8,650 B.F.A.
Glintash is founded deep beneath the forest of Myngar in northern Garandor.
Wars between merfolk, merrow, the Children of Qwalalatou and mereel escalate in both the Sea of Tarn and Sea of Magnara. In a cataclysmic battle the caverns of the Dark Way collapse trapping thousands of merfolk, mereel and merrow in large underground oceans but seal off the way between the Sea of Tarn and the Sea of Magnara forever.
The city of Bedarud falls to the ever moving sands of El Bahdehlam. By 8,250 B.F.A. the desert will have consumed nearly 1/2 of its total size it will eventually become. The river Tal Ir proves to be a powerful source of water as it continues to come from the natural springs that the desert has begun to encroach. It is rumored that the river belongs to a powerful Jinn from the outer planes and refuses to allow the Curse of Jutnim to eradicate all life within the desert.
8,550 B.F.A.
The first human settlement is established where present day Dardura Sheva sits. The settlement is named Uthar Teg. 30,000 Dejah humans call it home for the next 1,000 years.
Fir Darrig establish the realm of Eit Dhuraag in the depths beneath present-day Haaran Empire.
8,300 B.F.A.
Mazadhuk Chovah and Fyrgins establish the realm of Ghunthas beneath the Ceitha Mountains.
8,259 B.F.A.
A large scouting force of Fir Darrig from Eit Dhuraag come in contact with the alien-like species called the Lorkach deep beneath the lands of present day Haaran Empire. This marks the first time the Lorkach are encountered outside of their dimension. Over the next 8,000 years the Lorkach will enslave hundreds of thousands of beings from Kralis taking them to their dimension. They will establish many enclave cities through out the world.
8,150 B.F.A. The Splitting of Khal-Dhanar
As a final attempt to rid the world of dragons, giastor heilarks summon forth powerful magics and open a planar rift in the center of the Khal-Dhanar Mountains; Unable to control their magic the heilarks cause the center of the mountains to collapse into the rift splitting the mountain into the Tuurith Nyg and the Fire Mountains;
The Temple of the T'Qwal Rishra is believed to have been destroyed in this collapse along with all the records and ancient history of the rise of Jiqu;
8,100 B.F.A.
The dark fortress of Gor Gul is built by dark priests of Azahak in the forest Farithik in the Southern Realms in the Rinsha Adynshra forested Hills of Ahlmor of present day Aham Mountains. Its influences turn the forest into a nightmarish place of darkness. Hundreds of thousands of oku pour from this fortress wrecking havoc and destruction through out the region.
Clans of House Mizlan, having established Tav Aeduhn realm city of Duronith turn north and head into Tav Aeduhn realms beneath Garandor.
Clans of Mekronus Chovah found the coastal realm of Duria on the Islands of Dur off the coasts of Garandor and present-day Mashrapur. They ally with the merfolk of Iano.
8,075 B.F.A.
Human explorers discover a thick vein of red steel ore deep beneath the Fire Mountains in north-eastern present-day Mashrapur. They establish the realm of Khanzar - City of Fire.
Oku surge from dark holes deep beneath Bolagir and force the Chovah from this ancient home. The Rhakas are backed by several Amducious demons. They establish the realm of Veerhaug.
8,059 B.F.A.
Having flourished for 1,000 years, the rise of Gor Gul and its onslaught of oku brings death to the city of Uthar Teg (present day Dardura Sheva)as it is overran by these dark armies. The ruins are left in the control of the Rhakas nearly 1,000 years.
8,051 B.F.A.
Small armies of humans wage battle on the Fortress of Gor Gul. These are lost and the evil of the fortress grows. The foul armies of Gor Gul begins to reach as far east as the Kazhar Mountains along the Sea of Ithanger Shores, to the Khul Dal Mountains (present day Meminak Mountains) to the south and the low foot hills of the Fythalu Mountains (present day Desaryn Mountains) encompassing the destroyed city of Uthar Teg
8,032 B.F.A.
Strengthened by a number of fire dragon clans, the powers of Gor Gul push their control of the lands even further north, marching on the Chovah of Garandor. The Chovah land, riddled with hundreds of mines and thousands of miles of tunnels, easily turn back the encroaching armies, but feel the devastating effects on their realms as thousands of Chovah are killed or forced into slavery.
8,025 B.F.A.
War erupts in the north (present day Western Realms) as great oku hordes stream southward from dark holes on the edge of Iztalik into the lands of present day Western Realms laying waste to all in their path. Many Chovah and human outposts fall to these great hordes. The Chovah of Mirtan rise from their ancient city to shatter the strength of oku and push them back north towards the Black Ice.
8,012 B.F.A.
Gor Gul falls to invading demons and devils that were unleashed and uncontrolled by the occupants of Gor Gul as they delved into the Neter-Kheret looking for greater power.
8,010 B.F.A.
An enclave of Lorkach separated from the last incursion of this dimension traveling species, flees into the depths of Tav Aeduhn and found the city of Zendanre: City of Orbs, beneath the Julnar Plains (modern Great Dale).
8,005 B.F.A.
The Ta'Jahu of House Mizlan from Duronith besiege the city of Glintash. Surviving clans of the city retreat back to the undercity of Manak Dirguith. The Ta'Jahu of House Mizlan establish the city Tegwaros deep within the Tav Aeduhn.
Chovah of Duria, having delved deep into the shores and sea floor of the region awaken the monstrosity called Kullikak, a gigantic leviathan that terrorizes the region for hundreds of years. The goddess Mala warps this monster and it begins to give birth to a species of vile beings called the Gawarro. She uses these creatures to rule regions of undersea. The Gawarro establish the realm of Kassishan Gulor beneath the isles of Azar.
8,000 B.F.A. The Convergence of Planes
Powerful Demons within Gor Gul gather to perform a dark ritual that will open the Kralis, and the entire Omniverse to all the dark planes of Neter Kheret; This alignment causes the planar boundaries between the Omniverse and the Celestial Realms of the Heart of Darkness; This causes massive shifts within the Omniverse and causes a dimensional rip to form across the breadth and width of the Omniverse swallowing whole, hundreds of thousands of inhabited planets, thousands of solvetras and several hundred arphemhals; This manifests on Ta Los as magical and cosmic rift (present day Vilmar) within the eastern hills of Ahlmor
Reality becomes warped and spawns hundreds of thousands of demons, fiends, devils and other creatures of darkness all of whom invade the Omniverse; The Ohngwe (Great Old Ones), BhetAmi (Children of Chaos) and Titans take advantage of this and break free of their prisons and escape into the Omniverse and attempt to return the Omniverse back to the rule of the Great Chaos; Many escape into other dimensions and planes of existence outside of the known Celestial Realms and Omniverse; Where they remain waiting for the next time that they may entrap and capture the gods of the Celestial;
This ritual was never completed as it was thwarted by an adventuring group known as the Ghosts of the Wind and an attack by the Chovah armies of Garandor, humans of Uthar Teg, and Fhen Khanurs of Junik and the Ta'Jahu group of Nal Salaith
The Desaryn Mountains become home to several small villages of monks that begin teaching various martial arts and philosophies of Elal.