World of Kralis
The Worlds of the Khirius Solvetras | |
The Rhu | |
Mhar | |
Vhurrakus and Gunghris | |
Phultaar | |
Sirith | |
Alor | |
Talok | |
Ereg | |
Jultak | |
Asmeon | |
Faleraith | |
Greystone | |
Huthaya | |
Nuphan | |
Kartur | |
Coraleaon | |
Mellinu | |
Bhuragask | |
Hunthak | |
Cul Dhar Rha |
The World of Krãlis (pronounced Krœ-lɪs/ KRAY-lis) is a fictional alternate world that is the core campaign setting for Legends of Kralis (LoK), by Talarius Gaming and Publishing. The setting is also referenced in the core books: Legends of Kralis - Player's Guide, Game Master's Guide, and Bestiary I
It was originally created in the 1980's as a setting for short stories by Levi Davis and was originally called Kythan.
The primary focus of the setting is the continent of Ta Los part of the world of Kralis, an Earth-like planet with real world influences and similarities to science-fiction and fantasy fiction.
Kralis is the 8th planet of 20 that circles a single yellow sun within the Omniverse in a system of stars called by sages and other learned individuals as the arphemhal (galaxy), specifically Murcarsius, which is one of several thousand within the Omniverse. It is but one world in a myriad of other arphemals, planets, planes, realms and alternate dimensions that make up the whole of the known and unknown Celestial Omniverse.
Kralis is a vast world nearly 20,000 miles in diameter at its equator and is made up of made up of four (known) major continents: Ta Los, Hurlan, Azar and Ka Los. It also has two subcontinents: Iztalik and Gashinar, that make up the arctic and antarctic zones of the world.
It has world population of non-monstrous sentient humanoids of 84 million.
While Kralis shares its life zone with several other planets, it is evident from the vast abundance of life on the world, that it is truly the home of the gods, it is also the known prison for the Great Chaos. While Kralis is the focus of the Legends of Kralis, there is a great deal more information beyond its Realms, Kingdoms, and Baronies.
Orbiting around the planet are the two moons Amm and Unam, the twin moons orbiting between 150,000 and 240,950 miles. Both moons are known to support several colonies, predominately ha'vatu, humans and several houses of Ta' Jahu. The largest colony is Shu Tahn whose great spaceport is home to many void-farer reikosjharnas companies, the best and well known is the Eastern Star Trading Company whose travel logs have over 3 trillion miles in the Void.
Most of the moon’s surface is lifeless lacking any breathable atmosphere and surrounded by the killing cold of the Void. Yet, there are pockets where the surface has been transformed by magic and kept up by powerful aradgah. These scattered ecosystems present a vast array of environments, including a number locales that have portals to the various outer planes of the Celestial.
Diameter: Medium (9,875 miles Radius);
Gravity: Normal;
Distance: 115.3 million miles;
Atmosphere: Standard;
Population: 84 Million +;
Temperature: Temperate;
Orbital Period: 365 Days;
Length of Day: 24 Hours
Kralis had 4 moons that orbited the world. All moons were prograde with inclinations of 1.5 to 2.5 degrees and an eccentricty =.01 to .06
The first and the closet moon is Rimdor it is a minor moon with a diameter of 600 miles and sits 98,678 Miles from Kralis.
The second moon, sits mid range in orbit and is called Amm. Amm is a major moon with a rocky smooth with greater atmosphere. It is three times the size of Rimdor at 1800 miles in Diameter. It sits 535,609 miles from Kralis and is often used by voidfarers and void ships. The voidstation Ashtaltil is the only known community on the moon.
Mantara is the twin of Amm and sits the furthermost way from Kralis at 1,050,679 Miles and has a diameter of 2500 miles. Mantara is the headquarters for the Knights of Khirius and void station.
There was once a 4th moon, Ultal, which was smaller than Mantara but it was destroyed by rogue asteroid, shattering the moon and creating the Rings of Kralis, with the larger pieces falling to Kralis. These larger pieces crashed into Kralis, thousands striking present day Hurlan creating the “Ten Thousand Seas”, hundreds of others crash between Hurlan and Kalos causing the waters to be divided, creating the shallow golden Vaheem Sea, the Sea of Jagan and the Outerland archipelago. The most destructive and largest pieces crashed into Ta Los creating the Sea of Ithangar and causing the land of Azar to become separated from Ta Los. In this cataclysmic event the Kingdom of Athigurian was swallowed by the breaking of the world and the waters of the Galamir Ocean killing tens of thousands of giastori and their slaves. It is written that Shu-mhazhal the Gray and Jhuzzuzhal the White, flee the exploding moon of Ultal and take dominion over the great mountain range of Khal-Dhanar or the Fire Mountains as they are now known as.
The Rings of Kralis sit at 756,467 Miles from Kralis between Amm and Mantara. (Calculations are based on the Hill Sphere = 9,699 miles inner limit to 1,072,822 Miles outer limit)
Khirius Solvetras
The Khirius solvetras is a rather large system spanning 1.82 path lajosars (or 10.12 trillion miles) in radius. The following is a list of the planets presented in order from their distance from the sun (Rhu).
Unlike Kralis, not every planet is inhabitable over its entire surface, most have pockets of atmosphere either on the surface or below the surface where most, if any, civilization exists. Sages point to evidence that at some point in the distant past the Omniverse may have been “seeded” by an ancient void-faring species and transformed many planets and solvetras’. It is believed that they have since either become extinct or have moved beyond the constraints of the Omniverse. It is beings that are believed to have caused the destruction of the Bhuragask or even its formation.